November 21, 2001

Ok, I am posting a day early but I have a lot of stuff done to the site that I wanted to let you know about since I posted yesterday. First of all, all of the pages have been updated to the new design and I think that all of the link problems have been eliminated. A number of the larger images have been modified so that they are not so large. This helps with how the site looks and it decreases the load times on some of these larger pages. For those of you with phone line connections, a single page on this site may take up to six minutes to load! And I understand that the site is not all that exciting. Make sure you check out our new video games section that now includes downloadable video games by our own house Loopy.

Canadian FlagMy friend Natalie in Canada informed me that she is from Burlington not Toronto and that that was like calling it Caledonia when it is Buffalo. I am not sure what she meant by that but we will go with it. I suppose it would be like confusing Burlington, Ontario with Burlington, Vermont. And you wouldn’t want to do that. That would be like confusing an sno-cone with Italian ice. Come to think of it, what is the difference between a sno-cone and Italian ice?

Happy Turkey Day everyone! I am signing off until after the festivities.

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