September 16, 2003: 18 Days to the Wedding!

Eric managed to find some really good machines in the trash today. He got me a Pentium II 350 and himself a Pentium III 866. Can you believe that machines that fast are being pulled out of the trash these days. So Eric brought the computer over here to partake of the screaming fast network to get his updates taken care of before he takes the computer home. This machine is the same speed as his current fastest machine.

My left arm is no better today. I was really hoping that I would see the Ibuprofin making a difference but so far, nothing. Typing is still very hard and I have a lot of it that I have to do.

Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with the business manager of my old high school. This will be my first time returning to the office of York since I was in school there and the senior class was summoned to the office because of people drinking on the set of the senior play.

Min and Amanda spent the day in Ithaca together. Amanda went along to keep Min company while she had a dress fitting.

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