November 28, 2007: All work and no play…

I am still very much backed up at the office and have just tons of things to do to get back on my feet.  Things are improving but I am staying very busy.  I started work this morning around six fifty!  No rest for the weary.

Today was another heavy working day.  I worked solidly until almost ten in the evening.  There is just so much work to be done.  But I am making very good headway.

The sun was out even though it was pretty cold here.  Oreo loved being able to lay in the sun for the first time in ages.  He is so happy to be home but unlikely as happy as we are to have him back.

Dominica grabbed some McDonald’s on her way home from work.  We have both been craving it for a while.  It wasn’t very good though.  They salted the fish again and burnt it.  I will never understand the need for so many McDonald’s to pour salt onto the fish sandwiches.  It is so gross.  Not sure that it satisfied our craving but I don’t feel like having her get McDonald’s again for a very long time.

I ended up working almost solid until around ten thirty.  I took a little time off to eat dinner and to watch an episode of Are You Being Served? with Min and Oreo.  But the moment that I was away from the computer the phone rang and back I went.

It’s been a long day and I am turning in so that I can get back to work early in the morning.  Dominica and I had kicked around the idea of going home this weekend but we think that we have it worked out so that we don’t have to.  We would like to get home (my home that is – Min was home for a night a week ago) but we have been traveling so much and time is so tight that it will be a problem.  So we are staying here this weekend.  That is probably best.  I already have at least one thing scheduled for the office for Saturday.

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