April 30, 2014: Starting a Workout Trend

Got up early this morning and went down to the basement and did some work, mostly on taxes and some posting, before heading to the living room to hit the treadmill for a quick workout and then shower and off to the office.  That’s two days in a row.  I felt great all day yesterday.  Early morning workouts are the way to go.  Nothing big, just enough to get a healthy cardio workout before starting the day.

Mostly uneventful day in the office. Nothing worth reporting, at least. I made it all day thinking that today was actually a Tuesday until I got a “Happy Wednesday” Snapchat from Rachael and I looked it up thinking that she was confused on her days and realized that I was over halfway through the week already! Who would have guessed.

I didn’t get out of work until after seven and therefore not home until after eight.

Had a quiet evening tonight. We decided to do nothing. Just watched some “Frasier” and were headed to bed by around nine thirty. Luciana decided that she really needed to not be alone tonight which is extremely abnormal. I can only think of her wanting to sleep with us a handful of times ever. She is nothing like Liesl who would always choose to sleep in our room. Luciana normally prefers to be alone. So as it was a rare, special occasion we let her sleep in our room. This, of course, made Liesl upset because she likes to sleep in our bed and hates to be alone at night but Dominica is unable to sleep with them because they push her out of bed (they don’t bother me because I was trained by Oreo to be pushed out of bed) so Dominica ended up sleeping in the girls’ room in the nice guest bed there and the girls slept in our room with me.