September 30, 2002: Chemistry Is Cool

Eric discovered a really cool web site today for all of you chemists out there Normally I’m not into science sites like this but this one is really well done. A really good use of flash in a regular web site. This would be a great site for kids to learn about chemistry (the periodic table, at least.)

So today started out pretty crappy. There was some confusion on Loopy’s contract for today and it turns out that the sites weren’t ready for him and he wasn’t really working today. So he was at least up early. But it didn’t do him much good. I got up and drove all of the way to Binghamton just to discover that the job had been postponed and I was the one guy they didn’t bother to get a hold of (yeah, right.) This is the second time that I have tried to work for The Computer Merchants Ltd. and they have really screwed me. They said that I might be able to work on Wednesday – but of course I am working somewhere else on Wednesday so I am just out all the time and money and the other turned down contracts. Sometimes it is pretty rough being a contractor. Actually, most of the time. On a positive note, my resume is about to be viewed for the 10,000th time just between Monster and HotJobs alone (not including the tons of views on Headhunter/CareerPath, Computer Jobs and Dice!!)

After writing a long letter to TCML (the consulting group I was supposed to be working through today) I immediately got a phone call apologizing and then another email doing the same. I am getting paid for the time that I spent driving to the job and I am expected to be working the job next week (although I am not holding my breathe for that.)

Canadian Flag I haven’t had a ton of time to work on the site but at least I did finally post the Letter to the Editor that Natalie sent to me more than a month ago. It isn’t quite an actual letter to the editor, it is actually a reprint that she sent to me but it was as close as I was going to get so here it is. I am desperate for material, as you can see.

I am going to be home tomorrow working like crazy so expect to see some exciting content showing up (I have no idea what it will be but I am sure that it will be awesome.)

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