May 30, 2013: Conference Call Day

I found out this morning that I was awarded the 2013 VMware vExpert award.  Only 581 people received the award this year.  Definitely a major career moment.  I’m pretty excited.

Had to be up early this morning as we had a seven o’clock global conference call at work where we were sure that they were announcing big layoffs.  The rumor mills for these “secret agenda meetings” always crush moral and remind people to keep their resumes polished and never fully leave the job market.  Why the company is so keen to keep the employees on their toes and ready to leave at any moment is beyond me.  A few internal things even require you to have a resume ready internally so pretty much every employee has a ready resume sitting on their desktop that they can access at any time with no notice.  Foolish to a degree I cannot even imagine.

So I worked from a quarter till seven until after nine from the house.  It was a very busy morning.

I got the girls ready and took them up to daycare for the day.  Then into the office.  The office was pretty busy too.  Dan and I did a quick lunch next door to the office.  I got stuck working a bit late, though, so it was nearly a twelve hour day for me.  I didn’t get home until pretty late so I only had about an hour with Ciana before she was in bed.

Worked a bit tonight and then played half an hour or so of Ankh 2 with Liesl.  She continues to noticeably improve day by day as she learns more and more about the game interfaces, puzzle solving, etc.

We watched some Arrested Development tonight.  Still catching up so that we can watch the new episodes soon.

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