July 29, 2015: Cloudy in Panama

Not nearly as hot today.  Today was totally overcast but still quite warm.  Each day we keep looking at the weather report which tells us that there is going to be a day full of thunderstorms and every day not even a drop of rain comes our way.  Even actively during the day I check the weather and it says that it is currently raining and I look outside and still, nothing at all.

Dominica and I spent the whole morning and much of the afternoon sitting outside on the balcony.  I am pretty burnt all over from yesterday but there is no sun at all today.  I did get to see the sunrise coming up over the Pacific this morning which is very cool.

In the middle of the day today our water got turned off for some reason.  We heard a lot of banging noises around the same time so we assumed that there was some construction going on in the building that we had not been informed of and so tried not to worry about it too much even though we have no car here so having no water is potentially a pretty major issue for us.  Thankfully it was only off for about an hour and did not affect us too much.

In the afternoon I moved inside and worked while standing up in the kitchen which is nice for not needing to sit all of the time and keeps me moving around a lot more.  It is hard not to become heavily sedentary when you work on a computer all day, especially when it is a laptop and the only seats in the apartment are lounge style seats and not even good for eating at the dining room table let alone typing at it!  But standing works pretty well, even though the floors are super hard tile.  That’s how homes are in Panamá, tile floors everywhere to keep things cool.

Later this afternoon Dominica took the girls down to the pool behind the apartment so that they could go swimming, which they did for several hours.  I stayed in the apartment to work and found the time to be pretty productive.

The girls have started testing out Spanish television here today.  We have cable here and there are a number of channels for them.  We found Nick Jr. which has shows like Dora the Explorer and Dora Friends, all completely in Spanish.  They watched them anyway, which is good as maybe they will pick something up.

I got a lot of work while everyone was out at the pool.  And by the time that they came back it was rather dark already.  They love being able to swim anytime that they want.

Dominica’s ankle was really bothering her today and so she went to bed really early and just lay down and read for much of the later evening.  Luciana put herself to bed pretty early.  Liesl stayed up rather late watching her new show Mia and Me or something like that.

I ended up working until around two thirty in the morning but was very productive and got some great work done so I was really happy that I had stayed up.  We had a big thunderstorm up to the north near El Valle tonight that I got to watch which was pretty cool, but none of it made it close enough to us for us to even hear the thunder let alone get any drops of rain.