February 14, 2019: Valentine’s Day

Thursday. It is St. Valentine’s Day. And today Madeline turns nineteen.

This morning our money to pay off our credit cards cleared. So for a little while this morning we had a lot of exciting money in our bank account. But as soon as we saw it, we paid down all of our bills, so it didn’t last long. But it feels good paying so many accounts down to zero.

This morning I managed to get breakfast from Taco Bell, their potato breakfast burrito and their California crunchwrap with no bacon.

Most of the morning was filled with the girls working on more valentines for their party this afternoon. And getting them showered, dressed, hair brushed, and ready to go. It takes so long to get them ready to go anywhere.

At a quarter after one I drove the girls down to Addison and dropped them off. I left at two, got fueled up, and drove up to Plano to go work for a few hours. That went fine, almost two hours up there and got that all squared away.

It was around four thirty when I got back to the house. Worked for a little bit and then Stephanie dropped off the girls. As always, they were very sad to be leaving their friends.

We had our Valentine’s Day dinner at home, pasta with veggie meatballs and marinara sauce. It was our first time trying out the Aldi store brand veggie meatballs, we will be getting those again for sure. It was quite good. The girls felt like doing their own thing so ate in their rooms. Paul ate and ran to his billiards league where he was all night.

Just after we had our dinner, Red and her sister came by and told us that three of the neighbourhood cats were trapped high in a tree across the street. Dominica and I went out and the four of us spent probably half of an hour trying to figure out how to get them down. One of the cat’s was Ken’s cat Nuc that we know pretty well, and Luciana calls him Keaton (as in Buster.) Eventually through careful use of flashlights, we guided one cat at a time down and they were all able to safely run away. But they had been stuck up there for several hours.

Dominica and I spent the evening watching Fear the Walking Dead and have just started the third season now.