March 23, 2009: Dad Comes Down to Visit

I got up this morning convinced that I was going to have an awesome weigh-in but ended up coming in .4 pounds over my last weight in which was four days ago.  I do fluctuate several pounds per day so a one day weigh-in is not very telling but I was hoping that after four days that I would have lost enough, especially after my really healthy day yesterday, to have it show up today.

Dad left home around ten this morning.  He is swinging through Leicester, New York to pick up my cousin’s laptop which needs to be reinstalled and from there is heading south to Dansville where he is stopped at Tim Horton’s to pick up a giant tin of coffee for me (ah, the sweet taste of Canada) and from there heading to Peekskill.  We are guessing that we will see him around four or so this afternoon.

There was very little free time today to get any work done around the house.  We never even had a chance to vacuum.  It was a pretty busy day.

The weather got warm enough that by mid afternoon we were able to sneak out for a little walk around the complex with Liesl and Oreo.  We were worried that it was too cold, but Liesl fell right asleep and never complained.

Dad made good time on his drive down and arrived at just after three.  We had just walked in the door from our walk when he pulled into the drive.  It was a good day for a long drive.  No weather problems at all.

Dad brought another big load of our stuff down with him including two huge bags of bedding items, the two SunFire V240 servers that arrived this week, my cousin Sara’s laptop which I need to fix before dad leaves, a load of DVDs and a load of CDs, books, magazines, mail and, the item, our wine fridge!  We are very excited to have our wine fridge again as we have had no place at all to keep wine and our main refrigerator has no spare space at all.  We need all of the space that we can get.  Now we can keep wine in the house again.  Of course, now we have to buy wine to stock into the fridge as well.

Dominica cooked dinner.  We had BBQ Crescent roll things for which I do not have a good name.  They are awesome, though.  She and her mother made them last weekend for the first time.  They are definitely going to be a normal part of our diets now.

We got a chance to visit some this evening.  It wasn’t long before we all migrated to the basement and I spent the evening sitting at my desk attempting to rebuild Sara’s laptop.  What a project that turned out to be.

After several hours of trying to get the machine to stay on long enough to do anything I finally found an operating system CD that would work with it.  Matching OEM CDs is such a pain.

It took several tries but eventually I got Windows loaded and working.  Then it was a matter of updating it and seeing if the laptop would really work.

I ended up working on the laptop until after one in the morning.  What a long evening.  But, once the OS was installed, the laptop kept humming away without any problems all night.  My guess is that there is some serious dust in there someplace causing the CPU to overheat from time to time which is really difficult to diagnose.

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