March 12, 2003

I looked at the web server reports for SGL the other day. In February we managed to maintain the exact same number of average daily views of the site as we had in January, 75 visits a day. That is pretty good considering that two of our biggest readers (Min and I) were out of commission and pretty much couldn’t look at the site all month. So, hopefully March will be our big growth month. Let’s shoot for 85 views a day again! I did a little bit of work the other day to reoganize some of the XHTML code that was used for the site to cut down on download times a little bit. We are slowly making this site faster and faster. I still need to run PNG Crush to get some more compression into the images. That should help a bit too. Good news, Loopy bought a scanner so we can start to put up pics again. So, look for new stuff soon.

Eric and I drove down to Binghamton this afternoon and gave a presentation to Lourdes Hospital. It went fine but most of the people that we were supposed to be presenting to weren’t there so it didn’t do us a whole lot of good. After the meeting, we stopped by Senator Schumer’s office at the Federal Building. Amanda, who works there, was too busy to join us for coffee. So Eric and I went next door to the Lost Dog Cafe to get some late lunch and coffee.

Loopy has his new professional web site up and running. You can check it out at This is the twenty-fifth web site being hosted by Niagara Telecom/Ithaca Portal. We are still waiting for me to return to DC in order to install our newest web server with all the newest features and stuff. But that will come soon enough. It seems like forever to me since I am so anxious to get it into place. I am interested in installing a new database server down in DC. Dell has a great deal on a new machine that would really help us out a lot since our current database server is limping along and approaching a slow death. I am working on getting a PowerPoint presentation together to show why we need to spend money on a new machine. It has been a long time (two years at least) since I made a slideshow like this.

Min is finally playing her game, Kingdom Hearts, again. If she is able to keep playing it, she will probably have it beaten in a week or so.

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