November 11, 2002

Boy have I gotten behind on updates! I am sorry, since I have been out of town it has been really hard to get any updates completed and loaded onto the site. I am trying hard to keep up with the news this week while I am in DC.

HTML-Kit has finally moved past its Alpha and Beta stages and is in final release. It has taken years but we are finally there. My copy of the final release is downloading in the background while I am working on the site.

I am in DC today. I drove down this afternoon and am working at the hospital during the night (which is when I usually work since it allows me to get the most work done in a timely fashion.) The drive was nice and it gave me a chance to listen to “L is for Lawless” which is the 12th book in Sue Grafton’s Alphabet Murders. I love those books. I have listened to 36 hours of them in the car now. Most of that has been on trips to and from Washington. I also picked up and have started listening to “Lake Wobegon, Summer 1956” by Garrison Keiler. That is six hours long and isn’t incredibly gripping so I listened to the Sue Grafton novel in the middle of it.

November 9, 2002

I didn’t manage to get out of bed until after 7:30 this morning. That is more than 14 hours of sleep for those of you who are keeping track. Boy was I tired.

Miranda has never really had a chance to go out on the wine trails around the Finger Lakes so she, Loopy, Dominica and I headed out the west side of Cayuga and hit a couple of wineries up that way. We started with Americana (Dominica’s favorite) and then hit Sheldrake Point, Lakeshore, Cayuga Ridge and a new place, The Thirsty Owl. The Owl is really new having just opened on September 13th of this year. We noticed it as we drove by so we had to stop. It was a really nice place. They are just getting going and they only have six wines so far but they expect to have more in the spring so we will have to stop by again. Lakeshore was our last stop of the day and they were just bringing out their Neavou [sp] wines (the first wine of the season) and we got to have some of that and we were also their last tasters of the day so we got to spend some time hanging out with all of the people who worked there. All in all, we had a really good time.

November 8, 2002

Eric and I managed to drive back from Washington early this morning. I got out of bed at 5am and got ready to go. I didn’t get Eric up until it was just about time to head out the door. He has been even more tired than I have been.

We got on the road early and made really good time getting back to New York. We managed to get out early enough that the Baltimore rush hour was really behind us. We arrived in Ithaca at noon and I got stuck working on the phone until almost 1pm. As soon as I was off of the phone I headed out to go over to Nolan’s house for a Lifestyle Properties party. I wasn’t able to stay there very long, though, because I was still so tired that I could barely stand up. I headed back over to the house where Eric and I continued to work on a couple of computers for about another hour or so before we decided that we were just too tired to be able to get anything done.

I laid down to go to sleep at 5:30 and that was it for me. The day was over.