September 6, 2002

I woke up at Josh’s this morning and headed on into the UofR to give a tour to Rochester General Hospital. The tour was at 9am and Eric and I felt that it went really well. We worked at the UofR until mid afternoon and then I headed back out to Ithaca.

I have been out of town and traveling so much this week that I really haven’t had any time to do any updates. So there are just a few quick notes as to where I was each day. Sorry about the lack of updates.

After working in the city today, I picked up my new black suit from Men’s Warehouse and went over to MCC to get my medical records faxed over to Empire State so that I can go back to school for the fall semester. I am hoping to at least take a class on Oracle Database Design. That will be a lot of fun. MCC is adding two huge new buildings since I was last there in 1998. When I started there in 1996, MCC had a total enrollment of 14,000. Last year they had 20,000 and they have 22,000 this year. They are expecting 2,000 more next year! MCC is getting huge. At this rate, they will be the largest school in New York State in about five years. They are adding dorms this year and everyone is sure that they are going to be a full blown State University Center in just a couple of years. They are just too big to be anything else. They are only two years away from passing UB (Buffalo) as the largest school in the SUNY system.

September 2, 2002

A fun day of working in Washington. We had a slight problem with our email server over the weekend that I had to fix yesterday but everything seems to be ok today.

Anyone interested in a new computer but on a tight budget should look to Walmart Online is now selling a Lindows (Linux) computer complete with memory, hard drive, ethernet, etc. for only $199. It is a VIA C3 based unit at 800MHz. Nothing to knock your socks off but at $199 with the OS installed, all you need is the monitor, keyboard, mouse (optical from Walmart only $18.88) and a cable or DSL connection and you are good to go. It is hard to go wrong at that price. This would make a great second computer or Linux learning system for someone just getting started.

The weather is beautiful here today. John and I took the 35th Anniversary Camaro Convertible with the top down into the city this morning. Traffic was heavy the day after the holiday but it wasn’t all that bad.