Eric and I managed to drive back from Washington early this morning. I got out of bed at 5am and got ready to go. I didn’t get Eric up until it was just about time to head out the door. He has been even more tired than I have been.
We got on the road early and made really good time getting back to New York. We managed to get out early enough that the Baltimore rush hour was really behind us. We arrived in Ithaca at noon and I got stuck working on the phone until almost 1pm. As soon as I was off of the phone I headed out to go over to Nolan’s house for a Lifestyle Properties party. I wasn’t able to stay there very long, though, because I was still so tired that I could barely stand up. I headed back over to the house where Eric and I continued to work on a couple of computers for about another hour or so before we decided that we were just too tired to be able to get anything done.
I laid down to go to sleep at 5:30 and that was it for me. The day was over.