What a crazy weekend. It is a good thing that it is over because there is no way that I could have taken anymore without collapsing. Min had to drive down to Ithaca this morning to work. I have this one day off to recover before going out to Frankfort for the week.
Emily is in town this week so we decided to get together and have breakfast this morning at the Omega. We haven’t seen each other in months. She and Craig are in the process of moving to Birmingham, Alabama. Craig has been down there for some time and is just finalizing purchasing a house. Emily is moving down this Friday. Min and I have tons of friends and family in the deep south now. By the end of summer we will have places to visit in Houston, Corpus Christi, Austin, Birmingham and Jacksonville. We can pretty much tour the south seeing different people every few hours.
I spent most of the day relaxing. Not too much going on. Plenty of work to get done so I got what I could out of the way.
Josh and I managed to get a round of golf in this afternoon over in Victor Hills. I beat him by 3 on 9 holes. We had a good time. After golf we ran over to Henrietta to get some dinner and then we went over to Farmingdale so that he could show me the house that he and Joann have an offer in on. They are in a nice location. I couldn’t really see the house because it was pretty dark.