Saturday. Today is Rachel’s moving out day. After more than two years of living with us, since our time in Spain in the Spring of 2015, she is heading off on her own. We are going to be a little like empty nesters.
We were all up relatively early today. In fact Anita and Tab were here first thing this morning. Of course Rachel was not packed, almost at all, yet so there was tonnes of work to be done. Brandon and Estella arrived before too long. So before ten we had a full house of people and soon the U-Haul was here.
It was a full day of packing and loading the truck. I was super busy with work all day working with Jeremy on one project or another. So I was at my desk releasing software or troubleshooting a SaltStack bug all day long. By the end of the day we had positively identified a major, new SaltStack bug.
It was mid-evening when Rachel and Shawn finally left with their truck. A lot of stuff is still in the house. Rachel left the atrium full of furniture, lots of the kitchen and more. She’s supposed to be back tomorrow for another load of smaller stuff. Even a desktop computer is still here. And, of course, her dead Mazda RX-8 is still sitting out front. Today was the logical time to get it since it is the only time that she has a truck with which to tow it. So we suspect it is never leaving.
Our house is now empty, completely empty. Rachel took all of the furniture so we don’t have a single thing in the living room or the one bedroom. It looks like we don’t even live here any more. It’s amazing how little we own or have here. We didn’t really realize it until just now. But we have lots of space now. The house has been packed full of stuff. I don’t think that Rachel had really put two and two together as to how much stuff she has. All of the public space in the house was overpacked with her furniture and her bedroom was packed floor to ceiling with her stuff to the point that her bed was covered in stuff and there was nowhere on the floor to walk. The room, closet and everything have been totally full. And a lot of our master closet, too. She easily has significantly more stuff by herself than the four of us have all together. It’s a new house now.

This evening, Liesl and I played The Journey Down: Chapter Two which I think is a bit better than the first chapter that we finished a few days ago. Liesl played the game in the living room while I worked in the dining room and helped her from there. Luciana put herself to bed at ten in the hopes that falling asleep would make it seem like her cousins are here earlier. They are expected to arrive at the house around ten tomorrow morning.

Today the game Castaway Home Designer released and as the game that it follows, Castaway Paradise, has been one of our biggest video game hits we decided that we really wanted to support the studio and encourage them to make more games so we bought it for the girls on release day, got it downloaded, and let them play. They really like it. It reminds them of some portable games that they really like.