I’m scheduled to be traveling to Doha, Qatar a week from tomorrow. But I have my doubts that they will be able to schedule it, to get the meetings that they claim that they are going to get, or can even afford the plane tickets. So we will see. This could easily turn into my month of just waiting to see what happens. Already waiting a bit, I was supposed to have traveled already. Lots of “hurry up and wait”.
ML was busy this morning. Since I now have a week during which time I know that I am not traveling, it was a good morning to get my laptop updated to Fedora 27, so I took care of that while I had the time.
Spiceworks has gotten so belligerent and unprofessional that I’ve had to actively start muting moderators and other high profile people. It’s become a really unhealthy place full of mean spirited people not trying to help each other but actively trying to hurt one another for fun. It’s unreal how bad it has gotten and how angry and rotten people have become towards anyone actually trying to do IT or help one another there. It’s become outright unethical the stuff being promoted, often officially.
We got an offer on our house in New York. Not high enough for us to accept, but it is our first offer. Have to start somewhere.
Sean and I went out for drinks this evening. We went to El Rincon which is in old downtown Carrollton more or less around the corner. It’s a tequila bar and does some really nice stuff. It used to be Cafe Azul, also a tequila bar, and this is my first time ever making it in to it.