Tuesday. Today is the big day for Dominica and Madeline, they leave Frankfort to drive down to Newburg to catch their Norwegian flight to Dublin to begin their month long Ireland and United Kingdom adventure.
Lots of work again today. Then for lunch it was crackers with tuna salad.
I was so tired from all of the work that I have been doing that I ended up power napping from mid-afternoon until after ten.
Around five, Dominica and Madeline headed out to the airport. They will be in Ireland in the morning.

Tonight I tried to get Chinese take out, but they closed before I could place the order. One of the problems in Texas is that everything closes so early. It is such a sleepy place.
Since my schedule is all messed up, I grabbed some wine and started some PBX engineering work at midnight.
The girls made their flight. We will hear from them in the morning.