Top legal minds at the National Pork Board are confused about the existence of unicorn meat. I’m guessing that a diet of nothing but bacon has done wonders to the brains of these distinguished lobbyists. Perhaps the pork board hires small children to be their legal council? How does the reality of unicorns sneak by these people? What can we, the adults, learn from this debacle? We learn that the pork people are both evil and mentally challenged. While we can provide any actual proof one would assume that the correlation among the things we know (evil, dumb, eat lots of pork) is likely.
Today is my second father’s day and I am very sad to not be able to spend it with Liesl. Liesl (I suspect Dominica’s involvement here) did leave me a Father’s Day card on my desk back in Las Colinas before she left for New York, at least. Today would also have been my mother’s birthday. She was born on a father’s day as well. It just occurred to me, as I write this, that my mother and my daughter were both born on floating holidays and that they were both born on the least likely window where the holiday was on their birthday on the year that they were born.
I managed to sleep in quite a bit this morning. Oh boy did I ever need that. I probably slept for ten hours or more last night and woke up on my own this morning. I feel so much better. I am quite surprised that that is all the more sleep that my body felt that it needed given that taking tonight’s rest in combination with Thursday night’s rest I have still not quite gotten two nights’ worth of sleep and that doesn’t even take into account the fact that I did not sleep Friday night whatsoever!
Once I was up and showered and went down stairs to join the land of the living, John, Frankie (who is now six and a half) and I went out to Annapolis to do some quick shopping and to grab some lunch. We tried going to our old stand-by, the Double T Diner, in Annapolis but as it is father’s day the place was completely packed even though it was just eleven thirty. So instead we went up route two to a pizza place up there and got lunch.
After lunch we went back to the house and I worked for a while, sitting at the desktop that they keep hooked up in the kitchen. I am working today so I need to be connected.
Later in the evening, Tommy, Cookie and George came over to the house and the guys headed out on John’s fishing boat to putz around the Magothy. John just got a new satellite positioning system for the boat and infrared camera so we were out playing with that. That is some serious cool stuff.
We hung out on the river for a few hours then came back and enjoyed an evening on the back deck. It was good to get to see everyone. I haven’t been down to Annapolis since some time before Liesl was born. Maybe almost a year before Liesl was born for the Christmas party!
We hung out until pretty late. Then off to bed. I’m beat and still have a bit of sleep on which to catch up.