Proposed Change to the English Language: Godly

It has recently occurred to me that the “correct” spelling of the word godly is not capitalized – ever.  There are a few different meanings of this word.  The first is “to be like a deity, of or pertaining to a god” and the second is “like unto God.”  The only real differentiation between these …

On Sentience

“The question is not, ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but, ‘Can they suffer?’” – Jeremy Bentham Any discussion of the ethics of Artificial Intelligence is muddied by a social misunderstanding of the conceptual underpinnings of intelligence itself. Wikipedia defines Intelligence “a property of mind that encompasses many related mental abilities, such as the …

Ethics in Artificial Intelligence Research

As computing power continues to increase at a rapid pace mankind is beginning to ponder the ethics questions involved in the possible creation of artificial intelligence. If we succeed at creating artificial intelligence or AI then we have effectively created life to some degree and we must suddenly face many challenges that we have never …

Illegalizing the Writing of Computer Viruses

The issue of the writing of computer viruses is a complex one. Most people see viruses in a purely malicious context. Viruses are almost always written with the intent of doing damage either to the systems that they infect or to other systems that they attack from infected hosts. But there are lessons to be …

Do IT: Breaking In – Interviewing

Like resumes, interviewing happens more in IT than in most other fields simply by the nature of the career itself. Most IT professionals will interview many times more than comparable professionals in other fields partially because of the nature of the staggered consultancy and headhunter organizations that doing early interviews before sending applicants on to …