March 29, 2003

Min and I headed out to my parent’s house this morning. On the way out we stopped by Geneseo and looked at the townhouse that we are interested in just north of town. There was supposed to be an open house today but there was no one there so we didn’t get a chance to look at the house. My parents had even driven out to look at the house. There were a lot of people there. We did get a chance to meet a lot of the potential new neighbors while we were out there. That was nice; we have a good feel for what the area will be like.

After looking at house, we spent some time visiting with my folks and had dinner. Then we went to York High School’s presentation of “Guys and Dolls” that my cousing Sara was in. She played the part of Liver Lips Louis.

After the show, we went and visited our friends Dan and Amy who live right across the road from the school. We ended up hanging out over there until 1:30 in the morning.

March 25, 2003

I got up this morning and headed off to Johnson City to go to the dentist. After my teeth cleaning, I went to Endicott to the CTG office where Loopy and I used to work to have lunch with Sue, our old boss from our IBM days. We went to a new Italian restaurant in Endicott that was really good. Then I drove over to Big Flats and went to Walmart and Barnes and Nobles. I found a Linux book that I have been looking for.

I did some work on the computer after getting back and then Min and I went out to do some grocery shopping at Wegmans. After getting back, we did some cleaning of the refridgerator. Then Min and I decided to watch a couple episodes of Coupling which is still awesome. We only have one more episode of the series left.

March 24, 2003

I started the day by doing some laundry down at the laundromat. I spent the morning doing that and had lunch with Dominica. After lunch, I headed out to a meeting with Steve Lucente which ran from 2:00 until 9pm. So the news of the day is rather short. After the meeting, I came home and pretty much went straight to bed.