August 18, 2013: New Haircuts

Liesl was the first one up this morning, rather unusual for her.  As always, it is straight into our room to get me up and have me get her “chocolate milk” for her which she still has twice a day… once when she wakes up and once when the “orange sun comes out” meaning that it is getting to be nearly time for bed.  Luciana was the next one up.  Our girls apparently sleep a lot less than the Grice girls.

I did some work this morning and played with the girls some.  At ten thirty everyone except Luciana and I headed out to go to the salon for a group hair styling.  Liesl has been asking for a hair cut for months as she feels that her hair is too long.  Luciana was not at all happy about being left behind with me, especially as she had dressed herself, packed a backpack and was the first one ready to go.

It is Sunday and I am back from my furlough time so I am on the Sunday afternoon support call for the office.  All kinds of fun there.  Three hours on the phone in the middle of my Sunday.  Can’t wait to not have to deal with that anymore.  At least today it coincides nicely with the girls being out getting their hair done.  The call was very slow today, nothing went wrong and I only had to monitor things.  After the last few weeks I figured that it would be one issue after another today.

Everyone got back from getting their hair done. Dominica and Liesl are trying out new hair styles with bangs, this is Liesl’s first time getting styling done, previously she has only had a trim once and it was just to even up the back of her hair because it was getting so long, this time she got a real hair cut.

Watson texted me today and wanted to hit Redneck for dinner. With the house full it is a good day for that.  Haven’t been to Redneck in two weeks or more.  And I spent pretty much the whole day at my desk working on one project or another.  Got a ton of work done.  Fixed a lot of longstanding issues.

Watson picked me up around seven thirty and we went to Redneck for a bit.  First time there in a few weeks.

Came home and pretty much was off to bed almost immediately.  Dominica has to work tomorrow so need to get to bed.

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