I am finally home from Maine. I got my lazy butt out of bed at 3:30 this morning and jumped in the car and was on my way back to Ithaca by 4:30. The sun didn’t come up for hours. I drove a couple of hours before I decided to stop at a Burger King and get some breakfast.
I am spending a bit of time today attempting to build a new router / filewall for the house. The old Netgear RT-311 has served us well for a long time but we are looking to move to something meatier with more security and options (plus more opportunity to learn and experiment.) We are now trying out SmoothWall Firewall 2.0 Beta2. It installed really easily but getting it completely working seems to be another story.
Dominica is playing my Tropico video game that I got a few months ago. I have the Paradise Island expansion pack too. Eric looked at it a week or two ago and thought that it looked pretty interesting. It is a fun game but it doesn’t have a ton of replay value because it doesn’t have any multi-player functionality. The graphics and music are really good and the game play is different.