Dominica and I drove out to Rochester today to take a drive around some areas that we might be interested in moving to. Min has never seen much of the east side of Rochester so it was necessary for her to get the lay of the land. We did manage to find a number of areas that we might be interested in. Loopy’s grandmother is a realtor so we are going to talk to her to see what is available. We are also very interested in finding an area that has a lot of potential for me to be able to work from home most of the time and maybe even move our servers there. So, I will be doing a lot of looking into options along that line of thinking as well.
While we were in Rochester, I stopped by CompUSA and picked a massive new computer case for my main computer (the one that I am on now.) It is almost the same as Josh’s and it is way bigger than the one that I have had. I have been having problems with my computer overheadting so I am hoping that this new, bigger case with more fans will be able to make a difference. I am also going to add some of Loopy’s expensive silver thermal grease while I am switching everything else to see if that will make any difference. Something has to work to cool this thing down. I am going to move my current case down to the new PIII 866 that I just built and that case will go to a server that has just returned from DC.
We met my parents and my grandmother at Tom Wahl’s in Avon for dinner. Min wasn’t able to eat, though, because she had gotten a migrane and wasn’t feeling very well.
I did some technical work on the site this evening and we have made it as being totally XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS2 compliant. I am very excited because I take code compliance very seriously and neither of these things are all that easy to do. I had to do some minor changes to the site but we were most of the way there already when I started. But, you can now see our certifications listed at the bottom of the page. For those of you who know how I make web pages, you will know how excited I am. Currently, only our main page is validated but I will slowly be working my way through the pages trying to get them up to snuff.