Today is Friday and it is really dawning on us now that we are “nearly” done with our time here on Crete. This particular cycle feels like it has really, really flown by even though it is our longest stay yet in any location. This is the first time that we have actually pushed our ninety day visa limits to the very limit. We are carefully planning our exit to get every possible day out of it while not getting quite to the point of being in any danger of accidentally overrunning our stay and getting in trouble for being too long in the Schengen.
We think that we finally have a plan now. We are going to fly from Athens to Bucharest and we got our flights confirmed today. Very relieved that we were able to do that. Now we know exactly when we are leaving. We also decided that we are going to take the overnight ferry from Chania to Athens which is one of those “Greek experiences” that people should have. It is standard to take ferries all over the Greek islands. So we are pretty excited to be doing this one. And the girls are very excited to be doing an overnight ferry. Neither of them can remember when we did our two overnights by train through Europe in 2012 so they are looking forward to this and have already declared that they are getting the top bunk. I am guessing that this will be much easier than sleeping on a train, but we will see.
We booked a hotel in Athens as well. Not a fancy place but it is right across from the Acropolis and we hope to be able to get to see tons of the big stuff while we are there. Two days in Athens is not much at all but it is what it is.
We expect that we will rent a car in Romania and use that to drive from Bucharest up to Transylvania. There is little way to get around without one. Renting a car is always a huge ordeal. So figuring that out is Dominica’s next challenge.