Wednesday. This is it, time for MangoCon 2017!
Spent the day up in Rochester getting ready for the big event. Dominica and I checked into our hotel room around eleven. We had a lot of errands to run, especially after doing a sound check. So we were super busy all morning. There are a million technical problems with the setup of the conference speaking space. This is going to be extremely hard to make work.
Dominica and I did our final morning coffee at ten thirty. On the road at eleven.

The conference started officially at six. Ahead of that, a bunch of us gathered a the Genesee Brewery for beers before it all kicked off. We got to the brewhouse around four.

It was a good evening, and exhausting. Going to be a busy couple of days.
Jeremy and I went out looking for late night doughtnuts, there is a Dunkin Donuts across the street from MangoCon. But sadly, and ridiculously, they are not twenty four hours! Who closes a doughnut shop in New York?