DuoLingo Streak: 25 Days
Wednesday. I managed to sleep in this morning, thanks to the magic of Liesl snuggles. I really needed some sleep. This week has been incredibly stressful and it just keeps weighing on me. Even the good stuff that has been happening is keeping me overly busy and unable to get a chance to relax.
So this morning started with me needing to do lots of work here and there. I had been hoping that today was going to be time for me to chill and play some games and hang out with the kids while I did. But, in reality, I turned on the Steam laptop mid-morning and never once got a chance to go out and sit down at it to do anything. But the kids used it on their own, later in the day.
Our “exciting” news today is that our water heater in Peekskill has died. It leaked and got the walls, floor, and the furnace room all wet in the basement in Peekskill. So now, on top of everything else, we have to deal with that disaster and have to deal with it quickly. Two major plumbing disasters in just twenty four hours. This is ridiculous. I really feel like we never get a break. It’s not just the money, but it eats up loads and loads of what little free time we have, too.
Dominica spent another day hard at work on her web design stuff. She is making real progress now, though, after a frustrating night last night.
This evening Dominica made a run to Aldi for groceries. Then, after she got back, we went out for frozen yogurt because the girls have been asking for a few days.

And then, since we were already there and since we had not eaten anything since breakfast, we went to Denny’s. The girls were very excited. They have been wanting Denny’s for months but we have been avoiding the expense. They love eating there. So this was a family treat night. We needed it after this week.

It was eleven when we got home. I sat down with the girls and we watched our Berty Bott’s Every Flavour Bean challenge video from yesterday together. They had not had a chance to see it yet. It was pretty funny for us to watch ourselves.
The girls took a little time to watch videos and relax while I spent some time trying to catch up on journaling and Dominica watched whatever television show she is binge watching now. Something political that I am not familiar with.
Tonight is more of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We made it to the halfway point in the book, I think, last night and now we have to read like crazy to make it through in the next two nights before I leave on Friday for Phoenix.
Tomorrow evening I am back up to Plano to work on a VoIP project. It has been one busy week. All kinds of phone consulting, remote support, on site support, prep for moving out to Phoenix, dealing with flights, finding new laptops (we placed loose orders for two this evening), and more. I am so worn out.