DuoLingo Streak: 44 Days
Monday. Have to actually get into a work routine now, I guess. The traveling and conference weeks are over and there is stuff to be done. I did a bit of work logistics this morning, still have paperwork and what not to get wrapped up.
I worked most of the day, but was able to knock off early and spend some time with Dominica. Then, this evening, we had to go to the Carrollton Public Library to drop off some books.
The girls always love going to the library. They discovered more computer and tablet games available there today. There are lots of kids activities, it is really well done. We got a stack of new books, too.

After the library, both girls had requested that we go out to Denny’s. Dominica and I had already planned on that, but it was good that both kids requested it without us prompting for it. Kids eat free there in the evenings, which makes it that much easier for us to go.

Luciana tried my grilled salmon skillet and decided that next time, that is what she wants to get when we go out. She loves grilled salmon. She went on and on about it.
Once home, Dominica and I watched Blacklist for a while, and the girls played video games for a while. Luciana was in the middle of a game of The Sims 3 when we had left, so she came back to finish that.
At around midnight, both girls asked me to make them scrambled eggs for “dinner.” At least it is something healthy. I was a bit surprised to be cooking scrambled eggs at that time of the night, though!
This evening we started reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for our night time reading. We got through two chapters and called it a night.