November 24, 2017: Still Waiting on News

Friday. In Houston still for Thanksgiving and Liesl’s birthday.

Really no news here.  I spent the day working, as usual.  There has been no news from the office, it has been radio silence for weeks.  For a company that was ridiculously concerned with trying to get things done on a project by the end of the year, they sure stopped working on the very first day!  I keep getting told that I am “on deck” to head to Qatar any day and that I need to just be ready.  But it is weeks without so much as a peep from them.  This is getting incredibly frustrating.

The kids all play Skyrim any moment that they get.  Something about them all being together, the littles that is, makes them all want to play Skyrim.  And, of course, our Steam laptop is the only one with a copy, so there is not enough to even begin to go around.