Sunday. We all did a great job of getting up and getting moving first thing this morning. I was up around eight. We got the car packed and were actually on the road by ten! Go us.
We were trying to make the Spicecorps event at Eastciders in Austin, but it took longer to get down there than we wanted and we were simply unable to make it in time. That was a bummer as Eastciders is my favourite cider company and that would have been pretty awesome.
Around four we got into our AirBnD on Sixth. It turned out to be totally awesome. It had two floors, plenty of places for everyone to sleep, great appointments, a sweet balcony, wonderful views of downtown Austin including the convention center, sixth, fifth, “the parking garage”, and more. This is great, we are going to want to use this in the future.
We did not have very much time in the apartment. We got Dominica and the girls settled in, then Paul and I went for a walk down Sixth to get to CCB’s sponsored event at Easy Tiger. This was a really fun event. First because we got to meet up with so many old friends. And second because it was a great party with lots of beers, dinner, and games (I didn’t play any games.)

We were out until pretty late. Our busy Spiceworld schedule has begun.