I am very thankful for a Friday. Having a weekend away at dad’s is going to be really nice. I am even looking forward to some quiet time on the train with nothing in particular to do for a few hours.
Today was a lot of birthday preparation for Luciana’s birthday. There was a rainbow cake to be made, on which I had to advise because even the family baker (Francesca) has never made a layer cake before! It’s crazy that I have made them many times (but not for at least twenty five years, I am sure.)
The party was late this evening after everyone was home from work. We had dinner and then we had the cake which turned out awesome with a full rainbow of colours inside. Then Luciana opened her presents, which she loved. She was so excited and I managed to get some videos of it as well. She has been looking forward to celebrating her birthday for months. Being four, it is a time when your birthday is a really big deal.
So the kids had a lot of fun this evening playing with new toys. After everyone went to bed I stayed up for a while and started playing the Tropico 4: Modern Times Expansion set which has about thirty to forty percent more scenarios to play through with new twists and stuff to learn from the original game. I am really getting my money’s worth out of this game. It was only about five dollars to buy, I believe, and I have gotten scores of hours of gameplay and hundreds of hours of run time out of this game. It has been a lot of fun.
Tomorrow I travel out to Rochester for SpiceCorps and will be visiting dad all weekend.