Monday morning. Got up in the late morning. Not sore at all after having slept on the floor again last night.
Had a mostly busy writing and posting day. Got a bit done.
Dominica came with me to the corner store this morning. Getting her to shop with me twice a month is a victory. Considering that I often go more than once a day, it is surprising how seldom she will accompany me.
Dominica made a bowl of egg salad today, it went perfectly with some amazing local bread that we found at the store this morning.
Luciana got up and talked me into doing a little racing with her today. We have now earned all of the race courses and a few extra songs and racers in Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing.
We forgot to get olive oil while at the store earlier today so I returned to the corner store later in the afternoon to pick that up so that Dominica could fry up dinner later.
Tonight Dominica made calamari for Luciana again like she did last night. Luciana says that this is the best calamari that she has ever had. Maybe that is because it has been months since she has had any, but it was quite good. Dominica fries it in a pan on the range.
We watched a few shows on travelling in Romania while we ate dinner this evening. Hard to believe that we will be on our way north to Romania is just three weeks! Dominica has spent a lot of today working on travel arrangements and we bought our flights on AegeanAir for getting up from Athens to Bucharest today. We are going to take the overnight ferry from Chania to Athens to catch the flights there. We are getting a four bed berth on the ferry, which should be really cool.
The girls talked me into playing a video game with them late this evening. It took a bit to pick one out. We started with one of the Mystery PI hidden object games but those have no story and while they enjoy the hidden object puzzles they do not like ones that are timed. Even though we had lots of time they felt that it was too stressful to have a time limit and wanted to play something else.
We settled on the Fairytale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk which we just bought about a week ago. Liesl has been looking forward to playing this one. We got in a good hour, at least, and more likely two or three. We all snuggled as we do, while Dominica read in the living room, and did our best for the girls to take turns controlling the game. I just sit and watch, I never really get to play although there isn’t much to do in this style of game. Luciana always gets frustrated trying to control the game but doesn’t want to be left out as Liesl controls it.
We had a nice time and got the girls shuffled off to bed at two thirty, although both of them were awake until four thirty, at least. Dominica banished them to their own room tonight. So they were up in bed watching videos all night since the wireless works in that room (but not in ours.)
I had meant to go to bed with everyone else but ended up getting some work done and catching up on SGL and updating some NodeBB code and more until nearly five in the morning. I was very productive.