This afternoon, Min and I took off to drive down to Ithaca to have dinner with Bob and Lisa at the Mahogany Grill. We got down to town around 5:45 and met down on the commons. Dinner was really good. The Mahoghany Grill was really good even if the service was a little vacant.
After dinner we headed over to Ithaca High School to watch Nate’s kids in The Secret Garden. Neither Min nor I had ever seen the musical before. It was absolutely amazing. We couldn’t believe how good it was. The musical itself was really good but the kids were just phenominal. Everything about the show was just great. We had a wonderful time.
After the show, a bunch of us went out to Madeleines on the Commons for some coffee and dessert. It was amazing as always. We hung out for a while there with Nate, Tammy, Zach, Susan and Bob. Bob, Lisa, Min and I stopped by Sammy’s to get a slice before we hit the road back to Geneseo. I missed Ithaca pizza. Geneseo pizza is really good, but different.
We didn’t get home until 4:30. Boy are we going to be tired tomorrow.