My first actual day in Texas. This is my first time seeing Texas in the daylight. Dominica and I spent most of the day catching up on some sleep that we needed after traveling all day yesterday. Dominica and Francesca spent the afternoon catching up while Bennie and I went out to he bar and shot some pool. We did some Italian for dinner. That was about the entire day for me. I am exhausted. The time change doesn’t help anything either.
Loopy called me today all excited about his new computer. He finally has it all together. That is three people who have them done now. Josh and I will have ours together soon. Loopy is very excited. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him since he has been playing anything new on his yet but he managed to score more than a 9600 on performance tests by overclocking his machine just a little bit. I can’t wait to try out some new games on it.
Bennie (Francesca’s husband) and I headed out to the pool hall to shoot pool for a couple of hours and get some drinking in. We won’t have much chance to see each other while Min and I are down here since he has to work all week. We had a good time. I am surprised that I am still able to shoot pool at all. It has been a long time since I did that at all. I haven’t shot any pool since the days of Eric and I playing at Classic Billiards in Greece.