I am glad that I got to bed a little early last night. I felt pretty good this morning.
I had a nice drive into work and today, for the most part, is a relaxing day. Not relaxing because there is nothing to do but relaxing because there is a good level of things to be done. Enough to keep me working but not enough to make me sweat.
Tomorrow I am driving back to Geneseo after work. My first time back in three weeks! I think that this has been the longest stretch away from the house since we bought it in July, 2003. It will be weird to be back at the house. Not that I am going to get to see it any. I am working in Rochester on Saturday for TMobile out at the Pittsford Plaza and hopefully going to Dunn Tire and getting new tires mounted on Min’s car before she has to do any additional long distance driving. That will eat up my entire day. Then I come back down to New Jersey on Sunday afternoon. So it will be a very short weekend for me. I will be plenty exhausted come Monday morning.
At least I do get to pick up my “new” computer on Sunday. I bought Jeremy’s HP D325 off of him. He is getting the new parts for his new machine delivered on Monday, he thinks. This will be his first attempt at building his own machine so it will probably prove to be quite the adventure for him. His friend Ben is going to come over and help him get it together.
After work I came home and just relaxed. I watched some more Remington Steele and broke down and ordered a pizza from Dominos. The Sicilian pizza that I ordered the other night was awful and I decided to just through it away rather than to suffer through it. I won’t be getting pizza from that place anymore. It is too bad because they have good prices and fast, friendly service. They do have a wide Italian menu so once in a while I will probably get something else from there.