I got up at five fifty this morning. That wasn’t fun. But after going to bed at ten last night, it was fine. Really messes with my schedule, though. Liesl had gotten me up at two this morning too. This was an odd one. She woke me up and had me tuck her back into bed because her blankets had fallen off. It reminding me of Oreo a little bit who never, for his entire life, learned how to get himself under a blanket and would wake me up regularly at night to ask me to cover him up. So I went into Liesl’s room, lifted her up into her bed, tucked her in, checked my email and went right back to sleep.
I was on the road to the office by six thirty five. At six forty one, while driving south bound on the George Bush Tollway, I got to see high to my left, a very low meteor streak across the sky and burn up over Farmer’s Branch or Irving. It was really intense as the sun was already starting to come up, just a tiny bit, and there was significant cloud cover. So this was way under the clouds and lit up the sky a little. Very surprising. It was really cool to see. Only my second meteor to be seen up close like that. The last one was a decade ago while driving south on 81 through Pennsylvania much later at night.
Got to work at six fifty so that I could cover the non-farm payroll announcement call at a quarter after seven. Spiceworks was down this morning when I got in and had been apparently for a little while. Now what do I do?
Non-farm payroll announcement was great this morning, 146K new US jobs. Much higher than had been expected. That plus the healthy retail numbers suggest that things are actually improving and that we are pulling out of the economic slump that we have been in for the last many years.
By nine this morning I was completely caught up on SGL and was talking to Dominica all morning on Lync and had two hours of conference call under my belt. A very productive morning. It is amazing what you can get done when Spiceworks is down for a while. Normally I am so busy trying to keep up there, now all of that has turned into free time.
After an extremely busy morning, around ten Dominica and the girls met me in historic downtown Carrollton and we got ourselves a nice, early lunch at the Broadway Bistro there right on the main square. We had to check it out because I needed a chance to talk to the owner and see if they would be able to host Grey’s upcoming Backup 101 class that he is going to be teaching there on Monday, 17th of December. Danielle and I had checked it out when she was here and we had thought that the venue was awesome and the food is really good. It would be perfect. Historic downtown Carrollton is great too.
We are all set to use the Bistro for the class. That is going to be really cool and I am glad to have that worked out. Now we can focus on getting ready for the class. We are going to be swamped with Dominica working at least two days next week, SpiceCorps DFW on Tuesday night, two days of me being in Austin for Dell World, Grey arriving at the end of the week and staying with us, then Grey’s class on Monday afternoon. That’s about eight days of just “go go go.”
I got back to the office by noon and it was just an insanely crazy day from there on out. I never had a moment to relax at all. I never managed to even get a coffee or an energy drink like I normally do let alone go for a walk up to the corner to get it as a bit of exercise. It was a rough one. And I have to work tomorrow morning too.
I was stuck in the office until nearly seven this evening making for nearly a twelve hour day. I was exhausted by the end of the day. Definitely ready to call it a day by the time that I was done.
I got home and we pretty much did nothing. We just took it easy. I hung out with the girls as much as I could and Dominica and I were heading to bed a little after ten. I have to do work for the office tomorrow so I don’t really get to sleep in.