Thursday. Wrote and did SAMIT videos all morning. Then, before lunch, Luciana came and did her reading school lesson with me. After work, the girls and I had a dance party in the living room.
Category Archives: Daily
November 8, 2017: Liesl Starts to Program
DuoLingo Streak: 67 Days / 58% Fluency Wednesday. It is a cold and rainy day in Dallas. It was raining since the middle of the night and rained nearly through the entire day. It was very chilly so the only window that we kept open was the one in the master bedroom which, no matter …
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November 7, 2017: Skyrim and The Escapist
Tuesday. Liesl got up this morning and started playing Skyrim first thing before school. That typically does not go over very well, though, and school was not a fun time today. After school was over, both girls played The Escapist all afternoon. And that was our day.
November 6, 2017: Playground and Library
Monday. This afternoon I took the girls to the playground. They love it there, and the weather is perfect now, not so hot. We went during the day, so almost no one else there, they get the run of the place. On the way home we picked up Taco Bell. The girls have discovered that …
November 5, 2017: Autumn in Texas
Time to fall back on the clocks if you are in the US. A totally gorgeous fall morning here in Carrollton, Texas. I did SAMIT video uploads first thing this morning. Dominica made tuna steaks for dinner tonight. Luciana loves tuna steaks! The girls and I spent much of the day playing Skyrim together. They …