April 21, 2006: TGiF

Many of you may have noticed that the site has been very slow over the past couple of days and that by today the site was only available sporadically throughout the day. We have a memory leak on one of the applications on the server and it caused it to quickly begin thrashing. So we were down or nearly down for almost the entire day. My apologies. Unfortunately I am unable to deal with blog issues during the day directly and even there I can only work on the server remotely. So if anything physically has to be done with the box I have to wait until Dominica gets home from work, which is late at night after I would normally go to bed, and have her be my remote hands and eyes.

Last night I decided that I needed it to be colder so that I could sleep better so I tried turning on the air conditioning. I figured that this would be a good idea anyway since we needed to know whether or not it actually worked. Fortunately it does work quite well although it is very noisy like all of the applicances in this apartment. The refridgerator is very loud and runs almost all of the time. The water heater makes a lot of noise as well. So there is always something making noise between those three things.

I was up at normal time this morning and managed to make it out the door early enough to avoid the bulk of the rush hour traffic. The drive isn’t too bad when there aren’t too many cars on the road. The trip is actually kind of scenic and only eighteen miles long. But it isn’t fast no matter what I do. I noticed this morning that my Jabra BlueTooth headset is making a weird sound. There is some piece that has broken loose inside of it and is rolling around when you move your head from side to side. It isn’t very irritating as long as the unit still works. I haven’t felt it vibrate in a while and I am wondering if its vibrate feature is now broken. That would be very sad.

I had the fish fry at work today. How cool is it that I can get a fish fry from the cafeteria at work? No one in my department is working very late tonight if they can help it because we are all in tomorrow. So around 5:00 the place started clearing out pretty quickly. There are a few people who have late night work but for the most part the place was a ghost town by 5:30. I appreciated the chance to head out a little early and to have a relaxing night before working the weekend.

I used the Internet phone system to call both dad and Dominica before going to bed. Boy is that ever handy. It works so much better than my cell phone. The cell has almost no reception in the complex where I am living. If I walk outside or stand in the very echoey living room right by the sliding glass doors I can generally stay on a call but if I am anywhere else in the house the calls won’t even hold for more than a minute or two and often the phone doesn’t even ring. So the timing has been perfect for getting the internal Internet based phone system working. It is extra nice because it doesn’t use batteries or wireless so it is pretty reliable. Nice to know that I can make high quality phone calls easily whenever I need to.

I actually made myself dinner in the apartment tonight. Okay, “made myself dinner” might be an overstatement. I heated up the leftover crab stuffed salmon from the Omega Grill from last week. It was the only real food in the apartment other than SlimFast drinks and mean bars. I wanted to get it eaten before Dominica came down to visit and tonight is my final meal in the apartment before that happens. But it is the closest thing to cooking that I have done yet.

I tried to sign up for a telephone account with VoicePulse tonight but their web application that does that stuff isn’t working and instead it feeds back ASP.NET errors about its database connections. I gave it several hours but got a different but related ASP.NET error. Maybe tomorrow it will be working. I am looking forward to the idea of being able to make regular, outgoing phone calls from the new phone system. That will be REALLY handy. People would actually be able to call me, from anywhere, anytime that they needed me. Nice.

I stayed up a little late tonight. I am pretty excited. Tonight is the very first evening that I have had in New Jersey when I haven’t had to get up early the next morning to go to work. Now, I do have to go to work tomorrow. But I don’t have to be there until 11:00 so it is almost like having a day off. At least to me. It is just about the most leaisurely day that I will have had in the past month and a half. This is the first Friday night that doesn’t include working a full ten hour day and then immediately driving five hours back to Geneseo. The first time that I just get to relax in the apartment. It is a nice change. I really needed a break, even if just a little one.

I tried out in2TV a little more tonight. I watched three more episodes of the 1986 premier season of Head of the Class. I can’t believe how long it has been. Twenty years! Twenty years ago I was ten years old and watching these very episodes new in my parents’ unfinished basement television/family room/den thing on a 19″ Sylvania colour tube television. Sylvania!! Remember when they actually made televisions? No, I didn’t think so. But they did. They were a part of the Philips, Magnavox (what a horrible name), Sylvaniz, Marantz family. Sylvania used to have a large tube factory in Batavia but that closed down many years ago and is mostly empty space these days.

Anyway, in2TV managed to work a little more than half of the time. It is very finicky and it is clear that AOL has not nailed down the technical aspects of the system yet but it is coming along. The compression and delivery mechanisms are excellent. I mean truly impressive. To be able to stream almost broadcast quality original television programming with an almost “instant on” startup time and smooth play for an entire half hour program is something to be proud of. Now I have not tried the system on anything less than Cablevision’s cable Internet service so maybe DSL and Road Runner customers aren’t getting the same quality that I am so I will look into that. But definitely for me it is a great service. I just wish that they would correct some of the issues that crop up between browsers and Windows security. The system really needs to be designed to be ablet o work easily and quickly for people who are not advanced users but who do not run their systems wide open as administrators all of the time. They still have a ways to go in that area.

The thing that in2TV is, at least at this early phase, is a sign of things to come. in2TV shows, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the current television paradigm cannot last against current network technology. AOL is delivering television shows, on demand, over the Internet for free. Now sure, currently those shows are only back catalogue items of lower than usual value (i.e. being considered for DVD but don’t quite make the cut.) But those items are the perfect place to start proving this delivery methodology. Once this system hits critical mass you will see television shows from farther up the stack starting to be released bringing more and more people to this system.

I tried watching the lower quality stream of Head of the Class while lying in bed (aka on the floor – I will try to get some pictures soon) and even in the lower quality version, in full screen mode, it really looks just like regular 1980’s television when you are that far away. Awesome. It is funny that I watch it on my 20.1″ LCD monitor which is roughly the same as a 22″ traditional television because that is only barely larger than I would have watched this show when it first aired twenty years ago. I am feeling very nostalgic.

When Dominica got home from work and from picking up Oreo she packed and restarted the SGL server. The site was back up just a little before midnight. Sorry for the disruption. I am running pmWiki and I am pretty sure that that is the application that was having a problem but it might have been the email server, Postfix. A number of people had registered so that they could leave comments (sorry guys) and the emails didn’t go through until after the server restarted. Some of them were in the queue for several days. Oops. I had no idea. I knew that the server had successfully restarted when I received all of the backed up notification email.

It was a little after midnight by the time that I got to bed and I fell right asleep. Right asleep, in fact, forgetting my CPAP. I woke up in the middle of the night with a terribly soar throat which is always what happens when I forget the CPAP so I put it right on and went back to sleep. So I didn’t sleep as well as I could have but I am fine.

April 20, 2006

I slept in until 6:30 again this morning. I guess that I need to be getting to bed earlier than I have been. Or maybe I need to open the windows at night or something. It was way too warm when I woke up this morning and that was making it hard for me to wake up. I really don’t sleep well when it is too warm.

I had breakfast at work this morning. My $.65 bagel with peanut butter. I am acclimating and eating poppy seed bagels now on a regular basis. It is hard to believe in this day and age that you can sell a delicious, toasted bagel topped with peanut butter and pay the person to take your money for just $.65. It seems like you must use more electricity than that while you are in the process of preparing the bagel.

I discovered yesterday that New Brunswick is known as “The HealthCare City.” How cool is that? John would be proud.

Bob Wegmans, the aged founder of the Rochester grocery store chain, died today at Strong Memorial Hospital. Mr. Wegman was a staple of the Rochester community and most likely second only to George Eastman in his level of local fame. He will be missed. I am fortunate enough to at least have been able, along with Andy, to have worked at Wegmans while he was still alive although he never visited the offices during my time there and we never crossed paths at any of the stores.

I had a busy morning today for a change. That was nice. Kept me hopping until lunch time. It was really warm in the office today which, of course, makes me really sleepy. It is hard to keep looking at the computer monitor when you are way too warm.

Tonight I managed to make the first real over the Internet phone call between sites. I called dad in his home office. I am using the XTen X-Lite softphone and he is using a GrandStream IP hardphone and the sound is pretty good. The whole thing works great. Right now we have extension to extension calling, voicemail and caller ID working. Over the weekend I will be attempting to roll out a few more features.

This evening Dominica turned me on to the in2TV service from AOL. in2TV is an on demand Internet “television” system. I use the term “television” loosely because technically this is not a television replacement technology. Here is the quick explanation:

Traditional television whether you are referring to terrestrial broadcast, cable or satellite (aka cellestial broadcast) is, fundamentally, a streaming not-on-demand system. Even cable providers with “on demand” do some tricky and very limiting things to mimick non-television technology to appear to be on demand. When using television, if you want to be able to pick you programming you needed to traditionally add a video cassette recorder or more recently a digital video recorder that would be required to be on and recording at the precise moment that the program that you wanted was being streamed and then you could watch it whenever you wanted. This system is not technically “on demand” but is more accurately referred to as Time Shifting because you must be connected and prepared ahead of time. On demand means that you can get the program whenever you want once it is created. You don’t have to wait for a “program air time” nor do you have to decide that you want to see it the moment that it is aired. You can learn about it later and get it whenever you want. So these are different animals. But traditional television doesn’t have bidrectional communications necessary for true on demand services. Now that we have the ability to put traditional television programming onto the Internet we, of course, have the option of doing so in a traditional, pre-programmed way but users are not happy with this paradigm for obvious reasons. So with the Internet we are now beginning to see television programming actually available “on demand”! Yay!

AOL is providing its programming through two different mechanisms. The first one and likely to be the most popular is a fairly straightforward “streaming on demand” style. What this means is that you open a web page for the show that you are interested in, select the episode that you want to watch and the AOL in2TV servers begin streaming that show to you right at that moment. Nothing weird. Just what you would expect. The thing that is really amazing is how quickly they have made the shows start up and how well the image looks. Now they are only providing a very small image but traditional, legacy television’s image is miniscual compared to what we are used to with computers so it could very easily be the same size or nearly the same size as the original shows were. In any case, the shows are quite watchable in this format. What I like is shrinking the window that the show is in and putting it in the corner of my monitor so that I can still do everything as normal but while watching a television show. In fact, I think that the image looks a bit better than it does when dad does the exact same thing using an actual televisin tuner! You are able to maximize the image and make it into a full screen image so that you can use your computer just like a television. In this mode you can really see the problems with the image but you have to keep in mind that the original show would look terrible on a high quality computer monitor today if you were to sit very close to it. So it is very unfair to compare it in this way. If I back up and watch the show from across the room it looks very similar to regular television. The place that it is noticably different is when there is a scene change – you can see the scene start off blurry and then become sharper as the movement slows. This is typical for many key frame based video compression schemes. DVDs using MPEG2 do this as well but not as dramatically.

The second method that you can use to get programs is through what AOL terms “Hi-Q” which is actually just a proprietary video podcast player and aggregator. So the system is pretty simple. You simply install the software and subscribe to shows or channels that you are interested in. Then the aggregator will download programs from your subscription choices in the background while you do other things. Once a program has been downloaded you store it on your computer and can watch it at any time that you like. This method takes longer to get you the program but the programs are of higher quality and it shows if you are going to watch the programming in full screen mode. Although for a lot of the kinds of programming that they have on in2TV right now I don’t think that this method is particularly worth it unless you are planning on watching the same show multiple times. If you have a lot of disk storage space you could download a lot of programming and just keep it stored on your computer so that you can watch it at any time. So there are some real upsides to this method. But it uses a lot of disk space and it will be some time before we see how well you will be able to manage, backup and move this data around. Hopefully AOL will make this process simple so that this programming will be really valuable and not just a higher quality version of their streaming service. But in either case, the system is pretty nice.

Right now there is not the widest selection of programming available but there are a few really good shows well worth your time like Growing Pains, Head of the Class, Bablyon 5 and Scarecrow and Mrs. King. AOL/Time Warner is using their old catelogue of classic shows as a proving ground for the system and they have a lot of really good stuff to put out there. Unlike most companies interested in doing this type of thing who would have to purchase content or create new, AOL is able to go into their vaults and pull out material that is costing them money to store and earning them nominal amounts of income and put it to good use. Even if they get nothing but PR it could be of good value to them. But they are getting advertisers in the form of Intel and others so there must be some positive cash flow involved. Maybe AOL has discovered a sustainable business model. Perhaps not a cash cow but a revenue stream that generates income from idle assets. Good idea, if you ask me. And for the chance to be remembered as a leader in the television to Internet transition it is a really good deal.

Mary called just before I went to bed and we talked for a while. It is hard for us to make contact because she is busy with school during the day and then she has been working part time at Dee’s Deli in Silver Springs and doesn’t get home until almost 10:00 at night which is pretty close to when I go to bed. It is a rough life being old and responsible. Well, old at any rate.

It was close to 11:30 by the time that I got to bed.

April 19, 2006: Longest Post Yet?

I went to bed a little late last night and was pretty tired this morning. So instead of getting up at 5:30 with my alarm I instead slept in until almost 7:00! I decided that I needed to relax and little and made it a leisurely morning. I worked from home from 7:00 – 9:00 and then headed into the office. That made for a nice change of pace. It is really awesome having Internet access from the apartment. What a difference that makes. Now I have the desktop and nice monitor set up so I can actually work in some level of comfort. I am currently using a simple, traditional folding chair (black with a small amount of seat padding) for my office chair so that isn’t too comfortable. One of my upcoming large purchases down here is a nice office chair since it is just about the only piece of furniture that I am going to have.

It is a beautiful day here today. The weather has been great every day that I have been in New Jersey so far. It is beginning to seem unlikely that it is just coincidence. But what are the chances that I would actually get to live in a place with nice weather? My drive up through the “middle of nowhere” in the middle of Somerset County went well and it took only about 45 minutes to get to work on my first attempt. In theory this will get a little faster as I learn my way around a bit better.

Dad said last night that my “new” HP Visualize PA-RISC workstation arrived so Dominica will be able to bring that down with her when she comes down this weekend. I am excited to have an HP-UX machine to play with in addition to the “new” SparcStation. Toys toys toys.

I had a very slow morning at work today. I got to spend most of my time doing research. I am hoping that I might have found a solution to the Asterisk problem that I was experiencing last night. Unfortunately that machine would appear to have crashed and I probably won’t be able to get it restarted until Dominica gets home around 11:00 tonight. This has made me realize how important it is to have a remote reboot system for the house. Prashant found a place the other day that handles that kind of equipment very inexpensively. It would be really nice if I was able to power cycle any of the equipment at the house that I need. That would save quite a few special trips made by dad or Eric and save Dominica a lot of aggrevation.

I only had SlimFast for breakfast this morning and, come to think of it, that was all that I had for dinner last night as well. Hey, call me lazy. But the lazy man’s diet might be the way to go. If I stock the house with nothing but SlimFast maybe that will be all that I eat. I always get food at the office so there is no reason to eat anything extra at home. I don’t really like driving anywhere in the evenings just to get food because eating involves just being by yourself and that isn’t any fun. I would much rather be doing something interesting. Ordering food in can be a pain and is often expensive when you are by yourself so that isn’t necessarily the best idea. Especially when ordering pizza from Domino’s in New Brunswick proved to be more of a pain than it was worth. Maybe if I knew more places to order from but that will take a long time before that happens. I know that I can order Chinese delivery from a place called Yummy Yummy but that is about it. The rumor has it that I am able to get delivered Thai and Indian but I have no idea where to get those from. One of these days I might have a chance to talk to someone in the rental office and maybe they can tell me.

I haven’t talked about video games in a while. Maybe that is because I haven’t been playing any. If she can find it, I am going to have Min bring down Empire Earth 2 which is about the only game that I am currently playing and I haven’t even fired that up in two months at least. But I am “playing” it more than I am playing anything else. The new desktop that I have down here is a “small form factor” which is not designed to be able to fit high-end graphics cards so I am pretty limited when it comes to games. That is fine with me. The idea down here is to get lots of work and learning done and not to be watching movies or playing video games. But everyone needs to just kick back and relax sometime. I was looking online today and there are a ton of expansion sets out now for The Sims 2 which Dominica has but hasn’t been playing. I don’t enjoy that game but I find it to be very interesting both from a gameplay and from a business perspective. I think that they show some really good design concepts and interactions ideas and I think that it is a good demonstration of just how much people would enjoy playing real role playing games but I find that the actual execution of the game isn’t very good. There is no objective – which I think is a good thing – but there is also little motivation to play as there is nothing to work towards and, unlike real role playing, there isn’t even the objective to “play the character appropriately.” So I think that it shows a lot of good underpinnings for a game but I think that it lacks substantially enough motivation to be a really good game. Worth taking a look at, though. It is definitely interesting.

A new game out on multiple platforms including the PC and XBOX360 that has caught my attention recently is Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was supposed to have been a really amazing game although the only person that I know to have actually played it was my cousing, Jeremy. Both games got great reviews and are supposed to really push the role playing genre forward a bit. I guess they do a lot to “sandbox” or delinearize traditional RPG game play which is important as true role playing is totally non-linear. This has always made RPGs tough for computers as computers are much better at linear game play. Making non-linear computer games is a real challenge. Supposedly Oblivion has some truly amazing graphics and audio and even has Patrick Stewart as a voice actor. Oh, if there were only 100 hours in each day. I love RPGs but I often find them to feel very lonely. I really like the idea of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) but so far all of those games that I have seen have come out as a lot of MMO and very little RPG. No one is really interested in Role Playing but they are all out to level up and nothing else. Role playing isn’t about levels or points or status. It is about playing a part. It is far more about acting and connecting with a character than it is about “gaming”. In real role playing you don’t “do whatever it takes to get points” but instead you do your best to act as best as you can tell that your character would act. It is a really unique activity. There is nothing to really compare it to until you try it.

Stuff ended up happening today so I didn’t get a chance to get my lunch until almost 2:00 in the afternoon. For lunch today I had a mushroom and spinach calzone from the caf’ with coleslaw and pasta salad on the side and a cookie. I love having a rockin’ cafeteria in the same building. That makes it so much easier to eat well and not waste all kinds of time doing it.

Someone was nice enough to bring in Chewy Runts today! Now Runts I like but Chewy Runts I LOVE! Yummy. They are shaped and coloured to look exactly like regular Runts but when you go to bite into them – Surpise! They are chewy. Hawesome.

I had to spend an hour on the phone dealing with Verizon Wireless today. There has been an ongoing saga involving a “lost” account. This has been going on since December, I think. Something like that. It was definitely well underway in January. It turns out to have happened something like this. On October 27, 2005 (thanks to Danielle who actually remembered the day) I called Verizon Wireless to turn off a cell phone account that was at the end of its year that day. Something happened that caused the account to be able to be deactived until the following day. No big deal. The phone was never used again. Sometime around December or January I started getting email that “looked” like it was from Verizon telling me that I had an account past due. I called Verizon and they could not locate the account number that was given in the email. They also tried to look up all accounts associated with my social security number and were not able to find anything. So it was assumed that the email was a scam. These things happen all of the time. After a while I started getting multiple emails and then snail mail as well notifying me of the exact same thing. Again, called Verizon and no account was found. I should note that Verizon has but one national customer service number to call and that I was calling that number from my regular telephone and not from my mobile. Eventually it got really bad and we were concerned about the fact that this was obviously a scam and that the return address was a real Verizon address. So, assuming that there was an inside job going on, we contacted Verizon fraud prevention and turned the situation over to them. They were unable to come up with anything either. Now today, many months later, I get a letter in the mail saying that Verizon has turned the account over to a collection agency and the agency was able to produce WAY too much information for my comfort. So I followed up with Verizon, again, and this time they talked to the collection agency who helped them locate the account information. Turns out that it was that account from October, that it was never shut off and that the national call center was choosing to hand me off to Pittsburgh support who are not given access to accounts in Rochester but no one would recognize that as a possibility. So now Verizon is dealing with that and I should hear back in a little while. I can’t believe that their internal information systems are so poor that they can’t even tell who is and who isn’t a customer. And the division in Rochester was purchased back in the 90’s before the dotcom boom so there has been a tremendous amount of time to get their system integrated. Both system have probably been replaced since that time. What a pain. I spent an hour today alone dealing with this! Several hours have been spent by the time you consider all of the phone calls made by both me and by dad. Totally ridiculous.

My note of the day: “It is phenominal how little work must get done in America just because a small number of people ‘need’ to have overhead lights on instead of using localized lights on their own desks or within their own space.” I mean really. How much time does every administrator and engineer in this building spend looking away from their monitors trying to overcome eyestrain caused by overhead lights that work against the computer screens instead of with them.

Quote of the Day: “There are no metrics for God’s Will.” (Explanation: Do not attempt to measure spiritual success using human measurements.)

Today has been an odd day overall. Odd days are nice because your schedule is broken up and you aren’t just going through a routine.

I was reading a news article today about one of Microsoft’s MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) who chose to run his own applications on Linux instead of Windows because Linux provided a better financial incentive. This is, of course, in direct contradiction to Microsoft’s claims that Windows is less expensive to operate than Linux. Their argument has always been based on the fact that Windows admins are less expensive and more readily available than their Linux and UNIX counterparts. However in this case we are talking about a guy who is an extremely experienced Windows admin (or so we hope) who claims that when it is his dollars being spent that he believes that the Linux path is the better value. Obviously he does not say this in all cases but in his particular case considering his balance of skills, needs, scale, etc. But generally he falls into the “most suited to Windows” category of users and as far from the Linux side of the scale as it gets. Read the short article, shorter than my recap, and read my reply to the post:

“Although Microsoft does not offer their MVP’s “free” software it does offer production software to its partners at fractional cost compared to commercial sales that is licensed to be used in situations such as this (the license is a little tricky but not bad.) Vlad is basically saying that Linux is cheaper for a Windows MVP to buy and manage than Windows is, even when the number of machines necessary would be available through the partner program at near zero cost (near zero is, of course, a relative term.)

It has always been widely held that the lowest TCO was earned by the systems for which you have the most in-house expertise. I am not saying that Vlad does not have Linux/UNIX expertise but he obviously has Windows expertise in spades. What statement does this make about the cost/performance of Windows when it doesn’t make financial sense in the strongest of Windows shops?”

Now I am not an anti-Windows guy even though I am a big fan of Linux and UNIX in general – what can I say? I AM a Linux Admin. But Microsoft really does run a pretty serious smear campaign claiming a lot of ridiculous things about how expensive Linux is to run and how inexpensive Windows is when it is obvious that many small shops run Linux servers in environments where their entire annual budget is less than the purchase price of Windows Server 2003. There just isn’t any way for Windows to compete with numbers like those. I mean look at the school in Castile. We run on donated equipment that all comes without Windows OEM licenses and even if it did come with licenses they would be for lots of mismatched and unsupported versions. It would be a nightmare to manage. So for us to run Windows we would have to buy about twenty desktop OS licenses as well as a server licenses and then we would need a large number of CALs (a CAL is a Client Access License and you must have one for every “client” that is going to authenticate against a Windows server.) Then, in addition to the Microsoft licenses, we would need an annual anti-virus subscription for each and every one of those machines and that would all have to be managed. The license management alone would be crippling. We just don’t have those resources. The licensing costs would be in the tens of thousands of dollars and would be a regular, recurring cost. Additionally the old hardware that we use would not be able to support the latest versions of Windows so we would have to use old, unsupported and unpatched versions. Even if we had newer hardware the students would still be stuck learning on a six year old operating system (Windows XP is the current Windows release and it was first released in 2001!) Instead, because of Linux, our students are running on the very latest Linux technology (currently SUSE 10.0) and have all ready gone through one desktop refresh just in the past year (from 9.2 to 10.0.) We are expecting to upgrade them to 10.1 during the summer break. Instead of using six year old technology the students are working with three month old technology. What a difference. And Linux doesn’t need an anti-virus package at this point. That saves a bundle. Additionally, because we use SUSE (not to knock other distro’s which offer similar capabilities just pointing out that SUSE definitely does,) we have patch management handled centrally for the entire system including servers and desktops and including ALL of our applications. It is all totally automated and requires no manual intervention. Microsoft doesn’t offer anything of the sort and patch management on Windows would be a nightmare as well. Basically, even if Windows was free at the school it would represent a crippling expense to manage. Linux has been a God-send and makes a modern, competitive computer literacy education a possibility for many students.

I am full of techno-news reviews today. Can you tell that I am waiting for some feedback from someone? Sony has a new patent on malware technology! This is a separate item from their stolen virus technology from a few months ago that they distributed on some of their audio CDs (I use the term CD loosely as Sony’s malware discs did not meet audio CD specifications and are actually just standardless lumps of illegal plastic.) Sony filed for a patent some five years ago for a technology that “forces” email recipients (and it is important to note that this only refers to recipients using poor email clients like Outlook – the rest of us would never have known that this technology was even employed as it just wouldn’t work) to respond to email. It is actually a form of fairly benevolent malware (as in it doesn’t damage your machine but it does, forcibly and without end user consent do things with your computer that you never, ever want it to do) that annoys you until you do what it wants. So a spammer would use this to annoy people into responding to their Viagra advertisements so that they can verify that your email is real so they know to keep spamming you. Deploying a technology like this for the purpose of disrupting computing activities is, of course, illegal but Sony thought that they should have a patent anyway. And they got it. Good for them. Luckily for all of us in the real world every spam filter known to man completely blocks this stuff anyway so now no one ever will receive mail with this technology still intact even if Sony decides to start trying to infest people with annoying malware via email. Pheww.

Do you ever get that feeling that Sony is out to get you?

One last story: Email Battles dot com describes McAfee AntiVirus as the Worst Virus of 2006. Perhaps they are premature but are they likely to be wrong? So far, McAfee has had the single greatest effect on computer system with which I have personal contact than any other piece of malware, ever. Email Battles uses this famous quote to describe the situation “It burst into flames! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! It’s fire and it’s crashing! It’s crashing terrible! Oh, my! Get out of the way, please! It’s burning, bursting into flames and is falling on … and all the folks agree that this is terrible. This is the worst of the worst catastrophes in the world! Oh, it’s crashing… Oh, the humanity!” McAfee, a fairly disreputible anti-virus vendor but still quite popular mostly amongst shops driven by politics and not by their engineers, released a bad virus definition one morning in March that caused Windows machines everywhere to begin to dismantle themselves. The result was often total devistation. And it wasn’t just Windows but core business applications like MS SQL Server, Oracle, MS Office and, and this feels a little fishy, products from McAfee’s leading rival Symantec (aka Norton.) McAfee even locked out their breaking virus news forum, apparently to keep people from disclosing there what McAfee had done. And they failed to post any information on their site about what they had done so no one knew. While you would expect that this would spell the end for McAfee, Email Battles sums it up very well: “But luckily for McAfee, there’s always a fresh crop of inexperienced, out-of-the-loop newcomers to sell…”

Okay, enough of that. But it has been a while since I had a chance to comment on the news so I wanted to catch up a little bit.

It is 7:00 and I am still at work. It ended up turning into a pretty long day at the office but mostly filled with me waiting for input from people. So I am not exhausted or swamped or anything. I am leaving shortly. Of course, after all of those problems with Verizon, they failed to get back to me today like they said that they were definitely going to do. It never fails. But they might call tomorrow. I thought at the time that it seemed unlikely that they would be able to get back to me the same day. Oh, the lights just turned off in the office. It must be 7:00 on the nose. You know the lights that I mean – those pesky overhead flourescent lights that shine in your eyes and lower the contrast of your monitors making you not work very productively. Now my desk is just the light of my monitors and a very pleasent back light caused by a nice desk lamp that I have illuminating the desktop, keyboard and walls behind the monitors. Just the perfect amount of light to be able to see everything adequately but not so much as to interfere with my ability to use my monitors. What a great solution. Someone should implement this in an office! Maybe I am avoiding going home because my chair at the office is a lot more comfortable than the folding chair that I have at home. Or maybe I don’t feel like doing another search for centipedes. I didn’t find any yesterday but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there. I do a thorough search for them whenever I get a chance. I just can’t stand having them in the apartment. Ugh.

It was 8:00 by the time that I got back to the apartment. I stopped on the way home and filled up the car. $43! Ouch. Even with cheap New Jersey gas the prices are out of control. I really hate that they only have full service gas stations down here and no regular self service stations. I have no idea what the theory is behind forcing people to have someone else pump gas for them. What it causes is an entire industry of minimum wage earners being paid out of your fuel budget who take forever to do it adding cost and inconvenience to the entire system. I realize that it is done as a means to minimize welfare in the state but there must be better ways to do this. It makes everyone traveling in New Jersey want to get gas in another state and adds ten minutes to everyone’s work week because they have to sit at a station with ten other cars all waiting for one kid pumping gas who is not pumping gas but doing something else. And it isn’t like they stand there and carefully make sure that the gas doesn’t spill. Every single one just uses the pump lock and walks away. In no other state are you allowed to use the pump lock AND leave the vehicle and in about half of the states you aren’t allowed to have pump locks at all! So New Jersey has instituted a system devised to force the exact worse possible situation to occur: the most expensive financially and temporily, most uncomfortable and most dangerous system imaginable. And to make matters worse it makes it too expensive to keep gas stations open at night so like so much of New Jersey, all of the gas stations shut down at night leaving the whole state at a stand still until morning. Talk about a system that causes disaster. It actually adds to the traffic problem in many ways. If any state should be concerned about trying to spread people’s schedules out over a longer day to relieve traffic and other forms of congestion it should be New Jersey.

The Asterisk server that I have been working on is still up and running but not running well enough for me to do anything with it. I was hoping that if it had the entire day that it might heal itself and come back online without any intervention but that was a little far fetched anyway. So my evening didn’t involve as much technical work as I had imagined that it might had things gone as I had planned. Instead I worked on some lighter fare such as editing a wiki and a little SGL work. Unfortunately because of my lack of router / firewall I am not able to do as much as easily as I would like. Under more normal circumstances I am able to be online and able to work on the equipment at the house at the same time without any issues as well as be online with the desktop and the laptop at the same time but right now, because the cable bridge is plugged directly into the desktop, I am only able to be online with that one machine and if I am connected to the house then I lose the ability to be online while I am doing that. So it isn’t as practical as it will be. It will be much easier for me to get things done once Dominica delivers the new firewall on Saturday or Sunday when she comes down again.

No centipedes again tonight. That is two nights with and two nights without. I managed to kill both of the ‘pedes that we had seen so I am hopeful that that might have deterred any other of their friends from entering the house. One can only hope.

Again I didn’t feel like going anywhere tonight so I had SlimFast for dinner. I had a nice big lunch so it isn’t so bad. It isn’t like I feel hungry when I go to bed. I don’t really feel all that hungry until lunch time. But today’s lunch time was not until 2:00 so I was feeling more hungry than usual. But really I should be hungry by the time that meals roll around and I should not eat just because it is a meal “time”.

I decided to call it a night, more or less, at 10:20 and take it easy and ready on the bed. I can only spend so much time sitting in front of a computer. I wish that the environment was a little more comfortable but one thing at a time. The folding chair that I have isn’t too bad. It is a really nice folding chair. I can’t complain.

[4,597 words in case anyone cares.]

April 18, 2006: First Day Alone in North Brunswick

I slept in this morning until 6:20 to give myself a little extra time with Dominica and Oreo. It was a lot better to sleep in today rather than yesterday while sleeping on the floor. The new bed is pretty soft for me though and my back is soar this morning. It is made mostly out of that Swedish memory foam and that stuff does not support my back very well. It just lets you sink in wherever there is pressure which makes for a very unsupported situation. Even worse is that it has “memory” and does not spring right back which them makes moving around in bed very difficult since the bed is shaped to the position that you were in and not the position that you are trying to get into which I find causes a lot of strain as well. But boy is it a lot better than sleeping on the floor.

I managed to get ready quite quickly this morning and was out the door around 7:15. Leaving that early allowed me to still drive the slow route to work and get there in just 45 minutes. Quite an improvement over yesteray. I figure it I leave at 6:30 that that could shave another fifteen minutes from that time.

I got to work at 8:00. It was really warm at the office this morning. It makes it difficult to be productive when you are being lulled into sleep with the mumbled office sounds and the warm air.

Dominica is stuck waiting around the apartment this morning waiting for Cablevision to come in and hook up the Internet access. They are scheduled to arrive between 8:00 and 11:00. Then the plan is that Min is going to do a little more shopping for me and then she is going to pack herself up and drive up to Warren and we are going to get lunch together at the Thai House right in town.

Dominica called at 10:30 and let me know that Cablevision had been there and had hooked up the Internet access and that it was working. She said that the install guy was really nice and friendly and that Oreo kept trying to play with him. The tech’s girlfriend’s family apparently has three Boston Terriers. How awesome would that be? So another interaction with Cablevision and we are still really happy with them. Cool. Wouldn’t it be awesome to just have a really nice Internet provider for a change? I think that I am due for a change in that direction. I am excited to get home this evening and see how fast the connection is. I also want to see how well the VoIP phone system that I finally got working over the weekend sounds over it.

I got my taxes done today. Nothing like the eleventh hour, huh? Unfortunately we had thought that we were going to be getting a significant amount back this year but ended up, after the accounting fees, getting only $9 back. 🙁

Before leaving the area of the apartment Dominica managed to do some additional shopping for me. There are some basics that I still need around the apartment and it is really difficult for me to do my own shopping. The biggest thing is that I need bottled water. Now I am pretty resilient to the quality of tap water but the tap water in North Brunswick is so awful that it makes me gag.

Dominica left North Brunswick at 11:45 to come up to Warren to get lunch at the Thai House. She made good time coming up (thanks to my awesome directions) taking only about half an hour to get up here from North Brunswick. I guess that the drive isn’t too bad in the middle of the day. Maybe today I will try going home a different way to see if I can cut any additional time off of my drive. Even if I can’t save time I might still save mileage and that is a big deal with gas prices pushing $3.00 a gallon. I actually saw gas all over the place at $2.999 a gallon on the way down here on Sunday and that is as close to $3.00 as it gets.

We got lunch at the Thai House and hung out there for a little while. We got tofu in a spicy curry peanut sauce and some sticky rice for dessert. Very yummy. If I can just cut out the pizza I might manage to eat really healthily down here. But pizza is awfully tempting. After we ate I went out to the car and spent ten or fifteen minutes with Oreo. It was pretty warm out today and he was hiding on the floor of the car to stay cool.

Min was on the road towards Geneseo a little before 2:00. This is her first trip back home on her own. She is going to stop in Endicott to drop off something for the Surfing IT Wizard before she goes all of the way back to Geneseo.

Today was another one of those days with an afternoon that I can barely manage to make it through. I was so tired after lunch that I just needed to take a nap but you don’t get to do that in your cubicle when you snore as loud as I do. I hate drowsy afternoons. They drag on forever and you just can’t get anything done no matter how hard you try.

Dominica got to Endicott at 5:00 but had problems finding the Surfing IT Wizard’s house. It took her fifteen or twenty minutes to finally find it. I headed for home at 5:30. I tried the back way through all of the small towns and I think that it did cut ten minutes at least but it is really hard to tell. I will have to try it for a while before I have a good feel for how efficient it is.

Dominica got home a little after 8:00 but she stopped in Endicott for a while to deal with The Wiz and she went to Walmart to get dinner. So she didn’t really make too bad of time for her first time driving from Warren to Geneseo.

I got back to the apartment and spent the evening all by myself. It is weird. This is actually the first that I have ever lived alone. I have never had an apartment to myself before. I have spent a lot of time alone in hotels before. Tons of time, in fact. But having an apartment to myself is kind of weird. I don’t know how Andy does it. I can all ready tell that this is a really lonely experience. I am really missing Dominica and Oreo. I think that it is a lot more dramatic because not only am I alone in the apartment but I am also physically very far removed from everyone back home. There is no one that I know living anywhere around here. It is a really feeling of isolation being in a lonely apartment with no regular telephone, no radio, no television and no way for anyone to show up at the door and surprise you. No one can just run over if you need anything. Weird. Lonely.

I spent the evening trying to get the telephone system working to no avail. I can connect the VPN and have the phones work just fine. But once I try to do it without the VPN it stops working. I can’t figure out why it would do that when it seemed to be working fine when I had tested it before. The only factor that is really different is that I am working from the Cablevision network now instead of from Road Runner. Hard to believe that that would make the difference but you never can tell. I really need to get this working. I can’t believe what a pain this has been. One road block after another. Always something.

I kept working until 11:00 and decided that I really needed to call it a night. I could work on this forever and not get anywhere. I am really convinced that there is something wrong with the Internet provider here but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. It will be a really huge pain if that is really the case. It is hard to believe that that is the problem. It seems like it must just be something that I am overlooking because there are so many people using this Internet provider in this area that there is no way that they could be blocking these commnunications. Especially because it would affect so many other services like Vonage. I will look into it further tomorrow.

April 17, 2006: Getting Settled Into the Apartment

I would say that by today things are starting to settle into a routine but with this being the first morning living in my own apartment I guess I can’t really say that. I got up at 5:30 this morning and got ready for work. Nothing much to report. Its a new apartment but nothing interesting happened. Dominica and Oreo stayed in bed as uncomfortable as it is. I took my time getting ready and was out the door around 7:30 to try my first commute from North Brunswick.

It took about 45 minutes to get to work leaving as late as I did. I figure that it should be no more than half an hour once I start leaving earlier and once I figure out the best route to travel. My plan is to do some route research today at the office and see if I can’t get home faster than I got here.

I noticed that when I check SGL from the office I am only seeing the dailies from several days ago even though several more recent ones have been posted. If I go to the Dailies specific listing I find that those days then show up. I am not sure why this is happening. It might be a local cache here and nothing more or it might be a date issue somewhere in the chain that is causing confusion. If anyone else is having this problem, let me know so that I can look into it. But I think that it is probably just me.

It is a beautiful morning. Perfect weather for Dominica as she spends her first day alone in New Jersey shopping. Her job today is to find something to sleep on – most likely a futon mattress from Walmart. I am really happy. On my way out of the apartment this morning I paid close attention to what businesses are directly across the street from me and they include PathMark, A&P, Walmart, TGI Friday’s, Chili’s, Dunkin Donuts and Barnes and Nobles.

I am extra happy this morning because I got to bring my new headphones into the office today. I got some nice Logitech headphones over the weekend so that I could have some to keep at work. I can listen to podcasts or music or training material while I am at work and it really helps to pass the time. It also helps me to filter out the sound of so many people talking around me all day long. It gets to be especially bad when there are a number of people on the same conference call all using their speakerphones so that when one person says something you can hear their original voice as well as the echo of them over the speakers all over the office. It is very hard to concentrate when this is constantly going on.

Now that I have the nice headphones at the office (which did get comments, by the way) I managed to listen to this recent episode of TechNation which is about management but I think a lot of my readers who are teachers will enjoy listening to it because they talk about the problems with performance based pay for teachers and how it is destroying the Chicago school system along with others. (Was that a run-on sentance? I think that it was.) Basically they discuss how any job where you are paid based on performance other than your own causes a major disaster. With teachers, pay is not based upon how much the teacher improve the students but by the raw performance of how their particular students do on some form of standardized test. But the teachers are not allowed to vary their curriculum, materials or to affect the students upbringings, backgrounds, etc. So instead they found that teachers were changing what students were allowed into and out of their classrooms by putting large numbers of kids into special education classes to get them out of the “performance” based pay environment and not allowing advanced students to move on so that they would keep up the mean average. Something that they didn’t mention but that is common in educational environments for IT certifications is that teachers teach to the test and not to the subject matter. This can cause students to score very high and have no knowledge of the material whatsoever. A complaint of any educational system that stressing memorizing over learning. Unfortunately it is very difficult to test knowledge as opposed to memorization. In Chicago teachers and school administration were known to the cheating by actually adjusting student’s grades! I thought that the interview was interesting. Teacher’s pay scales being based on performance definitely sounds awesome on the surface but public school teachers are paid to work with what they are given, not to adjust the situation to produce the best paper based results possible. Well, at least thats what they are paid for in New York. Apparently Illinois doesn’t see things the same way.

Lots of stuff to deal with today. Email and IM outages. Taxes. (You did remember to take care of your taxes, right?) Dominica managed to find the makings of a bed at Walmart and got that to the house around 10:30. That will be so much better tonigh to actually get to sleep on something comfortable. I don’t think that I am bruised this morning but I am definitely soar in general from having slept on the floor all night. Soar and not very well rested. We didn’t have much in the way of blankets to cover up with so it was a pretty cold night as well. I am feeling very drowsy today.

Dominica thought about coming out to Warren so that we could get lunch but then decided that we should wait until tomorrow. She had problems getting online today from the apartment and did not have a way to produce a map or directions for getting up to Warren so thought that that was probably a bad idea today although she really wanted some Thai cuisine. So I printed directions from the office so that we can have lunch tomorrow. Having lunch tomorrow makes more sense anyway since Warren is more or less on her way back home and definitely much less out of her way.

I ended up getting a ton of cell phone calls this morning. About one every fifteen minutes! It was totally out of control. Just so everyone knows, it is really important to keep the calls to be at work to a minimum. I can take calls when I need to but anything extra is not a good idea. When I talk on the phone it isn’t just audible to other people around me but ends up interupting their work. That is why I bought the headphones – so that I can listen to my training material and not interupt other people around me. Even that light sound coming from my computer is a big issue.

The day actually passed pretty quickly today. Not coming in super early in the morning definitely helps. Those first few hours go by pretty quickly but they really are just extras tacked on to the beginning of the day. Most all of my work comes in the afternoon right now so being here early doesn’t really help me to be able to leave early.

There wasn’t a lot of real work today so I continued working on my training materials for the Solaris Administrator’s certification from SUN. I am onto the second portion of the training now. So I am roughly halfway through it. I don’t get a lot of time to put into it on any particular day so it takes a while to work through and a lot of it is really boring and not very well put together so that doesn’t encourage me to plough through it with any intensity.

By late afternoon time started to drag significantly. I am always amazed by how quickly the morning can seem to just fly by even when there is no one to talk to at all. And then by afternoon everything just grinds to a halt and the day seems to last forever. Today isn’t that bad but the afternoon seems to be many times longer than the morning was. I think a lot of it has to do with me eating lunch. I get lunch (today it was wood fired cheese pizza from the in house cafeteria) and then the rest of the day I am fighting to stay conscious. Once I get into that state time slows to a crawl and nothing gets accomplished. It makes me so unproductive. I start waking up again very near the end of the day. It seems to me that the work day, nine to five or whatever, is a really unproductive system since everyone gets so tired at some point during the day and needs to break things up. The siesta idea isn’t too bad. If you know you are useless in the middle of the afternoon why not at least do the one really productive thing that you can do – sleep. And then maybe you will be productive again later.

Dominica managed to go out this afternoon and do some additional shopping for the apartment. She got the next most important item that we need after the bed: the curtains. Until now the sliding glass doors in the front of the apartment have made the entire apartment completely visible to the outside with only a few inches here and there not completely visible to any passerby since we are located at ground level. It has been pretty much like living directly in the parking lot. I am not a highly private person (hence the world’s largest identity blog) but this was a bit much. We were worried about sitting anything within site of the front of the house. It was quite a pain. Just walking around the house felt a little weird. You are totally on display in there.

I was able to leave the office at 5:30. Unfortunately I hit really bad traffic on the way home. Apparently there was an accident in South Bound Brook because the highway was completely blocked somewhere to the south and the traffic was backed up into Bound Brook when I got there and was backing up quickly. I was close enough to the front to be able to see that there was no movement whatsoever going over the bridge so I turned around and did some exploring to find US287. It ended up only taking me about an hour to get home which wasn’t too bad considering that I had to stop for that accident and that had to have cost me at least ten minutes.

I was at the apartment for about fifteen minutes before we decided to get some dinner. Neither of us really wanted to face any traffic hassles so we decided that tonight would be a good night to try out the Omega Diner and Cafe that is right across Route 1 from the apartment. It is in a really handy location. Before we left the apartment I discovered another centipede in the “hallway” area of the apartment. Just great. Not what I need to have in the apartment, of all things. At least this one was not nearly as large as the last one. But still. Ewww.

We both decided on the most incredibly delicious crab stuffed salmon for dinner. Dinner came with baked potato, Mexican corn, house salad and Yankee bean soup. What a meal. We were really impressed and we will definitely be returning to the Omega frequently. How apropos. The Omega Diner is very reminiscent of the Doube T diners in Annapolis but more upscale. It is really more of a mid-end family restaurant than a diner. The decor is very nice and pleasant. High ceilings, comfy boothes and the whole place is really bright and clean but not in the stark white or stainless of traditional diners. Dinner was amazing. Min couldn’t even begin to finish hers and so she brought half of her salmon and her entire baked potato home.

After dinner we decided that Dominica needed to see how to get back out of North Brunswick so we drove north on Route 1 so that she could see how to get onto Route 18 north and how that would get her back to NJ527/Easton Avenue. That took us about twenty minutes or so. It is a really tough route if you are not familiar with it and in heavy traffic it is almost impossible to navigate.

After dinner and our little trip we decided on a relaxing evening at the apartment watching a movie. I tried to get online but the wireless really wasn’t working at all so I gave up on the idea. I hooked the LCD monitor up to the laptop so that we could watch a larger and brighter screen. The LCD is great because it angles down slightly which is something that none of my other LCDs will do. That makes it far superior for watching movies from bed because you can actually look straight onto the screen. What a great idea. Go Samsung.

We decided to watch Gidget Goes to Rome – what a completely awful movie. You really feel embarrassed for the poor kids who were so happy to finally get a chance to be in a movie and then they got stuck making that movie. There was nothing redeeming about the movie at all. No plot, no good characters and, let’s face it, Rome is a terrible movie location because the entire city is colourless and drab – so there isn’t even scenery to look at. The characters were flat and annoying. This movie makes that cardinal mistake that I always say: Make sure you have a protagonist!! If there isn’t a single character that you like or care about then you won’t care about the movie. And that is exactly what happened. The Gidget character was jerky and annoying. The Moondoggie character was rotten but only so bad since he was being rotten to Gidget whom you don’t care about. And the other characters are just flat one liner losers that only barely suffice to qualify as plot devices. Dominica watched Gidget Goes to Hawaii last night and said that it wasn’t very good either. All three Gidget movies use different actresses as Gidget and apparently they get progressively worse and worse until they give up on the annoying blonde/redhead thing and get butt-kicking actress Sally Field to play Gidget in the television series many years later.

By the time that the movie was coming to a close I was getting into bed and calling it a night. I was pretty tired and the movie was not helping. It was 11:30 when I got into bed. Hopefully I will be able to post this update tomorrow when the Internet access get turned on but we will have to see. What are the chances that it will actually work? But then again, this isn’t Time Warner and Road Runner that we are talking about (or Frontier – just ask the Ralstons about how reliable they are) so maybe everything will be fine.