December 31, 2002

Happy New Year’s Eve! Another year has come and gone. Can you believe that it is almost 2003? Of course everyone says that every year and it gets to be a little bit less amazing every time that you hear it and pretty soon it is amazing that it is ONLY 2003. I am sure that you all know what I mean. But it is hard to believe that all of that Y2K crap was THREE years ago. And it is hard to believe that this is the third “Llama Rama Luau” being hyped on SGL. Can you believe that I have sat down and told you all about my life practically every day for the last three years? Pretty weird, I know. But not nearly as weird as the fact that you are all still reading this. But cool! I hope to see everyone tonight. This is our big chance for everyone to all get together – even our Canadians who arrived last night. It looks like the turn-out is going to be excellent this year (but John and Michelle had to cancel on us because Michelle’s sister JUST had her first baby and they are all busy with the new little one so we are very sad that they won’t be making it but we do want to send them all a big congratulations.)

Some of you may have noticed all of the content that suddenly appeared on the site yesterday. I have been out of town for almost three weeks and I am doing what I can to keep everyone up to date with the highlights but I have been pretty much out of touch (and unreachable as many of you have noticed) but I am back now and hopefully will remain so for at least a week. I will be trying hard to keep the site up to date in the coming year (do I hear a resolution coming on?) If you notice a [BACK DATED] on some days, those are days that I have gone back and filled in the info for. So look for those to see things that you might have missed even if you check the site everyday. (Update from June, 2006: The Back Dated tags were removed as they no longer made sense in the context of the site. Basically all updates since a few days before Christmas were written a week later.)

The last couple of days, I have been playing Max Payne on my serious gaming machine and it is pretty cool. Not something that I usually get into (much more of a Josh game) but I am having a good time with it. A nice diversion. The graphics are still amazing. In fact, I almost need a faster machine. How depressing is that. Soon enough I will have one (I hope 🙂 Actually, I have other toys on my agenda first that don’t cost as much as a new top end video gaming machine. I want an IBM PowerPC based Linux and MorphOS machine (I am literally saving my pennies to get one – I hope I can save enough) and I am currently building a new Pentium III machine. I wouldn’t normally go through the hassle of building a PIII machine but I already had all of the parts except the motherboard and the graphics cards and I found an awesome deal on a genuine Intel MoBo and I picked up a GeForce 4 MX card for it so I have a pretty nice set up. Only a 10GB Hard drive for now but 384MB PC133. So, overall, not too shabby. It is going to be my test computer to put all kinds of weird operating systems on just to try them out. I am also going to use it as a dedicated DVD and television machines hooked to the new flat panel monitor in the middle of my three desks as a kind of room entertainment system.

Dominica has been playing her new Game Boy Advance a lot and yesterday she managed to beat (yes, already) Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets. She loves being able to sit in her closet/office and play games on her GBA. Luckily she got a 4 way connector for Christmas and she, Loopy, Bob and I all have GBAs so we can hook them all together to play games. Too bad we don’t have any games that let us do that!

It started raining late last night and it was still raining this morning. Hopefully the temperature won’t drop and freeze the roads before the party. If it stays warm like this, travelling will be really good. Two years ago almost no one was able to make it because the roads were so bad.

December 30, 2002

Wow, I am seriously behind on some site updates. I have to apollogize, I have been so busy the last two weeks that I just haven’t gotten around to working on the site. I have been very lazy. Tomorrow is the annual end of year Llama Blow Out party (Llama Rama Luau – I believe it has been dubbed) and it is looking like we are going to be having a good turn out. Loopy is in Rochester right now bringing our Canadian contingency down for the shindig. They will be here for the week to add to the festivities (oh yeah, we go ALL WEEK!) Yesterday and today were the big cleaning days as everyone’s rooms and the house at large have had a serious going over. Very little is left for tomorrow.

Since I have been so far behind in keeping up with the site there are a couple of announcements to make…



Josh wins our December LOTM Award (albeit, almost at the end of the month) because he is the one that has bugged me the most about not keeping up with the site. So congratulations to our “two new” Llama of the Months. Everyone can see Josh and his girlfriend (the “First Lady” Llama of the Month, if you will) tomorrow night at the Luau.

Thank you, everyone, for putting up with the lack of updates, I will be sure to be back on track as soon as the new year hits and the cleaning after the party is over.

The Canadians have arrived! We are heading out to the State Street Diner for some food.

December 29, 2002

Today is my only real day to relax after the past couple of weeks of having been away from home and then being sick. I am feeling much better today (I slept for twenty straight hours) and hope to get a bit done. I still have a headache but overall I am feeling pretty good. I got my two new video games installed (Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Max Payne) and have tried them out a little. They are pretty cool. Eric and John both have Wolfenstein and it is multi-player so we will have to check that out sometime.

Dominica has been playing her new GameBoy Advance a lot and is really liking Zelda: A Link to the Past and Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets. She has been playing Harry Potter most of the day.

December 28, 2002

I woke up at 4:00 am with the flu and couldn’t get back to sleep. I went and got Dominica at 8:00 am and had her pack what we had left into the car so that we could get back to Ithaca and not everyone else sick at her parent’s house. The flu has been going around and it is pretty nasty. This is the first that I have caught the flu in ten years so I figure that I had it coming. I feel awful, though.

(Updated in June, 2006: There is a funny anecdote from this day that I cannot believe didn’t get put in when I originally wrote this daily. I can’t imagine how it was missed. On the way from Frankfort back to Ithaca Dominica had to drive because I was feeling so ill. I didn’t even bother to really get dressed but was just wearing pajamas that I had received for Christmas to be more comfortable in the car. Just as we were getting onto the Thruway in Utica heading west I made Dominica pull over so that I could be sick. I got out of the car but there was nowhere really to go so I had to lean into a snowbank. It was really cold and I was leaning into snow for several minutes and I got really cold. Later some of Dominica’s coworkers commented on me being sick on the side of the highway. It turns out that they were passing the Utica exit just as I was being sick on the side of the road and they managed to recognize me, in my pajamas, being sick, on the side of the Thruway! Utica is over two hours away from Ithaca so one would think that you would be safe from being randomly identified that far away but you are never safe.)

We made it back to Ithaca around 11:00 am and I went straight to bed. That is the end of me today.

December 27, 2002

Today is Dominica’s Mom’s Birthday. So a big Llama Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tocco!

Today was mostly a recover from Christmas day. Min, Francesca and I did a little shopping today while Bennie continued tackling the kitchen overhaul. Later in the afternoon, Min and I packed most of our stuff into the car as the task of packing is quite an enormous one – especially after Christmas.