Installing ruby-sqlite3 on Red Hat or CentOS Linux

For my development environment, I like to SQLite3 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS.)  When working with the gem installer for the sqlite-ruby package I kept getting an error on my newest machine.  I searched online and found no answers anywhere while finding many people having this save problem.  I have found a …

Installing Fedora 9 Linux in VirtualPC

If you are using Microsoft’s VirtualPC 2007 as a host for installing Red Hat’s Fedora 9 Linux (aka Sulphur) distribution you may have run into a few problems.  The first problem that plagues just about anyone attempting to install the latest versions of Linux (not just Fedora) is that of auto-detected virtualization.  To overcome this …

Choosing a Linux Distro in the Enterprise

Linux is popular in big business today. No longer, and not for a long time now, has Linux been the purview of the geek community but it is a solid, core piece of today’s mainstream IT infrastructure. That being said, Linux is still plagued by confusion over its plethora of distributions. This being the case …

Linux Processor Ignored

WARNING: NR_CPUS limit of 1 reached. Processor ignored. Not exactly the error message that you were hoping to see when you were checking you dmesg logs.  Don’t panic, this is easily remedied.  If you are wondering how to check your own Linux system for this error you can look by using this command: dmesg | …