September 23, 2013: Dominica’s Last Office Day

Dominica’s last official day in the office is today.  She might end up needing to go in for something yet over the next month but today is the last day that she is scheduled and that we know for sure that she is going to be going in.  She is working with Ross today, his second day and first day working with her.  They have not met yet.  She was off at seven.  She is really looking forward to not needing to go to the office.  She likes working there but does not like being away from home and the girls and definitely does not like getting up early.  She has been so busy with homeschool stuff for Liesl recently who has been doing her kindergarten stuff for a couple of weeks that that is really exhausting her.  They are doing all kinds of school stuff every day now.

I worked from the house in the morning.  Morgan was over to watch the girls.  I had several conference calls this morning so I had to lock myself into the office at the house so it was a lot like I was not home at all.  It’s handy having Morgan there because I can’t take care of the girls when I need to be on calls and they don’t understand not to come into my office screaming on their own.

Once my meetings were over it was well into lunch time so I drove over to LA Burger, got lunch for Dominica and I and delivered it into the office as a surprise treat for her.  They have the most amazing burgers.  We are very sad that we only recently discovered them and now we are moving away.  It seems that one of the biggest things that we miss when moving away from an area.  We get used to places to eat and food that we like and then we leave and have to find all new food to enjoy.

I had meetings at Dominica’s office this afternoon.  It has been really busy there this week.  Lots going on and surprisingly almost none of it is related to Dominica’s departure.

I got home about forty five minutes before Dominica did.  This is Morgan’s last “normal” day of watching the girls although she and I have spoken about maybe she will watch the girls a bit over the next month to assist Dominica in getting things ready as Dominica is not going to be able to handle the girls, home schooling, packing, etc. all by herself.

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