Rain, rain, rain. I am convinced that the car wash that Nate, Bob and Zach are working at this morning raising money for the Boynton music department trip. It has been raining all morning and now it is raining really hard. The guys were totally soaked after they got back from the car wash.
Dominica is still laid up this morning. She is a little better but not much. She is watching movies again today. Yesterday she watched Drop Dead Gorgeous and Miss Congeniality. Today she watched Never Been Kissed and The Wedding Singer.
Min wanted a book from Borders so Loopy and I headed out there to get it for her. We had dinner at Friendlys (Bob and Zach snuck off and tried Chariot in Collegetown) and then went to Borders. We both bought some books (made cheaper by our really cool corporate discount program) and we also discovered a magazing – “Life in the Finger Lakes”, published right here in Ithaca. So, I had to get a copy of that as well. Nate and Craig had to move some cars around so they spent the evening back in Perry.
Loopy’s video game is really coming along. He got a lot of good work done on that today. It is looking like it is going to be pretty cool.