November 2, 2002

Laundry day. Min and I have a lot of laundry that needs to be done. And we have a lot of video games that need to be played. So those tasks will take up most of the day. Min started off the day playing AoM (Age of Mythology, see the write up from yesterday) but she quickly decided that it wasn’t fun enough to really keep her interest so she switched back to Age of Empires 2 which has been consistently fun for an entire year (now that AoE3 is out, everyone better run out and snatch up a used copy of AoE2 so we can all play in one big huge LAN hosted showdown!) Bob has been playing AoE2 a bit now and is starting to get a lot better.

I finally got around to installing Min and my Microsoft Sidewinder Game Voices on our computers. These are the really cool headsets with base untis that allow you to talk to other gamers in the middle of a game. It is a really neat idea. The base unit lets you select who you want to talk to (players 1-4, everyone or just your team) which is really handy because the game doesn’t handle that ability. It is especially neat because you can use it in Internet games as well (and it saves on telephone costs.) We tried it in AoE2 and it seemed to work pretty well. The sound quality isn’t the best but it sure beats having nothing at all. And you can understand what is being said, it is just very crackily.

Little Canadian FlagMiranda is due to arrive in New York tomorrow afternoon. She is staying for an indefinite amount of time. Maybe a week, maybe a month. No one really knows.

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