March 24, 2004

Today I headed out early to get down to Ithaca. I managed to get into town around 8:30 which is awfully impressive for me. Steve and I went out for breakfast. We ended up working all day. Until about 2:00 am. I drove back home and met Min at the hotel. We hung out there for about an hour before I went to the house and went to bed. I was pretty tired, almost a 24 hour day. I slept like a baby.

You can check out our new web site development company’s web site at It took a lot of work to get this site together but I am happy with how it is coming along. I still need to get photos added to it, it is pretty sparse right at the moment. But it will be improving.

Today is Andy’s one day at home. He has errands to run and people to see.

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