First released for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance in 2001, Lunar Legend is a remake of the classic Console RPG Lunar: The Silver Star. The original game was a showcase piece for the Sega CD video game system and released in 1993. Silver Star was reworked and released in 1996 on the Sega Saturn and the Sony Playstation due to its popularity on the less popular and older Sega CD platform.
Lunar Legend is a very linear and “standard” jRPG – you will find very little new in this game. But that isn’t to saw that Lunar Legend isn’t good. It is, in fact, quite enjoyable. LL is a great early jRPG for introducing new players to the genres, especially children who will find the games highly linear gameplay but engaging storyline easy to follow and fun. The character development is good and the interaction between the characters is interesting. There aren’t any big surprises in the game, no unforeseen twists and turns, but the game is true to form and enjoyable.
Exploration is relatively easy and gameplay takes place in the traditional top-down 2D style reminiscent of the Super Nintendo era of jRPGs. The game play is not overly involving and is perfect for casual play – as casual as you can be with any RPG family game. The game is not long and is well suited to younger players who will find the youthful protagonists to be identifiable and the overall quest to not be overbearing.
Overall Lunar Legend is a fun jRPG. Nothing groundbreaking or new. This is a classic game from 1993 that has become portable. The game is fun and well suited to children and fans of the genre looking to play a piece of history that they can carry around with them.