December 15, 2007: The Nicklin Party


Dominica and I slept in a bit this morning. It was mid-morning when we finally rolled out of bed but we got a good night’s sleep and are ready for the day. We were not really prepared for how little work was going to be needed for the party tonight. For the past several years the day of the party has been a big day of prep work with lots of errands to be run but today was nothing like that at all.

We met John out at the Double T Diner for a late breakfast slash early lunch. We have eaten at the Double T every time that we have ever come to Maryland if I remember correctly.

After breakfast we went back to the house and just relaxed for much of the afternoon. In the evening Dominica and Michelle did some work at the house to get ready and John and I ran out to do some minor errands but nothing stressful like we normally do.

The party started at seven as usual. Black tie as always. Dominica went to bed around one. I crashed at two. The last dwindlings of the party lasted until about six in the morning!

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