February 13, 2008: It’s Hump Day

Just a reminder to everyone, tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day. If you aren’t careful you will forget.

Today was very busy for me.  I was going crazy all day trying to keep up.  My big challenge of the day is a Veritas Volume Manager project on three servers.  I have worked with LVM on Linux and SVM (aka Solstice) on Solaris but I haven’t used Veritas to any extent so I am doing a bit of learning today.

One thing that I did discover while researching Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) is that Symantec offers Veritas Storage Foundation Basic, which includes VxVM and their associated file systemVxFS, for free.  You can download it and use it for moderately sized workloads which is very cool.  So I will be building some CentOS based virtual servers to install it on and learn more about it.

The weather was bad again today.  Wet and cold and windy.  But it is supposed to break by tomorrow.  But the roads are awful today and just about everyone from the office decided to work from home today.

We have figured out that Oreo is losing the ability to inform us when he wants to be taken outside.  We think that because we live in the city and in a highrise that the time it takes for us to figure out what he needs, ask him, get dressed, get supplies ready, get him ready, go down the elevator and run down the block to his “spot” that he no longer connects those activities to his request.  It is becoming a problem and we are worried about its affects on him.  So we are looking into getting him an indoor doggie potty.  It isn’t going to be fun but it could vastly improve his quality of life. And even if it is a pain it should make bad weather days a lot better on me too not to mention eliminating those nights when I have to get up to walk him over and over again.

Taffy was dropped off at dad’s house today.  He is dog sitting her for the next couple of weeks.  Aunt Sharon and Uncle Leo are heading off to Florida for a vacation.

I managed to read everything that I was desperate to read in “Backup and Recovery” by Curtis Preston although I am a long way from finishing the book.  I am leaning towards taking Ryan’s advice and going with Bacula over Amanda for my backup system.  Those were the only two real contenders from the beginning and for my needs Bacula seems to take a slight lead over Amanda.  But not much of one and it is very close.  Bacula looks like it will be a bit more work, though, which is not what I wanted to hear.

Dominica and Oreo got home and she ordered in sandwiches from Big Bite just up on Broad a little way.  We watched some of the new Doctor Who that Dominica is addicted to now via Netflix.  That service really works well.  I can’t believe how well it works.  Really solid.  We are loving it.  And so inexpensive.

I was really exhausted today.  Just too much work going on so I pretty much needed to take the evening off.  We did little more than just relax and head to bed quite early.

We watched a little of The Cosby Show from bed but I wasn’t able to last long and fell asleep during the last episode that Dominica was watching.  I am going into the office tomorrow instead of staying home with Oreo because I was home on Monday because of the weather (and lack of sleep.)

I am working this weekend as we have a major change going on at the office (equipment change, not personnel change) and it is “all hands on deck” as so many systems are being “touched”.  I don’t have to go in but I will be on call and doing light work much of Friday night and Saturday until mid-afternoon.

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