April 1, 2008: Working Late

How can it be April already?  That’s crazy.  March just flew right by.

I was really tired this morning and decided not to go in early like I usually try to do.  I like going in to the office early but once in a while I just need some time to sleep in like a normal person so that I can function all day long.

When I got to the office I discovered that I was locked out – which was to be expected as this is my first time back to the office since my two year anniversary rolled over over the weekend.  So I had to deal with that although it wasn’t too bad.  Now that I have done this before the process is much easier the second time around.  I also got myself access to the floors where a lot of my clients sit so I am not able to go meet people that I work for and near but have never actually seen.

Today was miraculously a slow day which I really needed after yesterday and the whole weekend.  After getting afternoon coffee I took advantage of my new found access card and checked out the big floor with my clients and spent a few hours just moving from team to team saying hello to people that I hadn’t seen in a while and meeting people that I have worked with for years but have never met.

Since I was out of the office for a while I got a little backed up.  Not too bad as the afternoon was slow, but there were some things that needed to be done and I ended up getting stuck in the office until after seven in the evening.  It was after eight by the time that I arrived home by way of the train.  Quite a long day and I was really tired.

Dominica was watching Family Guy when I got home.  I watched one episode and relaxed for twenty some minutes and then went to the living room and got started on my homework for the evening.  I have a bit to do this week and it is due on Friday night which means that there really isn’t any free time for me to get it done between now and then which will be, obviously, quite problematic.

I had the weirdest dream last night that Eric was offered one million dollars to be the spokesperson for Harry Anderson‘s political campaign.  I don’t remember if Eric took him up on the offer or not.  He ended up being offered a million dollar house to be on the campaign trail (for what I have no idea) and then one hundred thousand a year to be a political advisor.

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1 Comment

  1. Well if Harry Anderson does offer me a Million to help him campaign, you can bet the farm it won’t be for the Democratic party!

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