March 2, 2009: The Nor’Easter is Here

After having been paged out and working late last night I was paged out again this morning just a little bit before I would normally have started for the day.  So by eight thirty I was at my desk with the headset on my head listening to another conference call.  I might as well have this phone glued to my head.

I forgot to tell this story yesterday so it gets squeezed in today.  Yesterday afternoon I was taking care of Liesl while Dominica was eating her dinner.  I was talking to Liesl about how yesterday when I took care of her she spit up on me almost a dozen times and how Dominica had been taking care of her today and she had not spat up a single time.  I made a comment to her about how she had better not spit up now or I would think that she was out to get me.  Then, at the very moment that I stopped saying it, she spit up getting me on the head, in my eye, on my glasses, etc.

This morning the world was covered in snow.  It snowed heavily all night long and there is a lot of it today.  I do not think that there is as much as they had been predicting but there is definitely more than we would like to have at the beginning of March.  Oreo was definitely not pleased.

My conference call was really something today.  It started at eight thirty this morning and they finally let us off at just before half past noon!  I was so sick of being on the phone by that point.  It is definitely a Monday.

Here is something interesting: readership of Sheep Guarding Llama has more than doubled in the past year.  In fact, much more than doubled.  Practically tripled.  I can’t believe how many people are coming here every day.  Thanks everyone.

Today was a total disaster for the global economy.  The Nor’easter that pummeled the northeast US with snow was apropos when you saw how Wall Street performed today.  Today we are at our twelve year low and we are looking to be dipping lower quickly.  The Dow Jones Industrial Index fell to well below 6,800 points today – a truly incredible number.  It seemed for quite some time that we were safe in that it would not dip below 8,000 but now that number would be considered a massive recovery.

Citi hit a low of just $1.15 today and closed at $1.20.  Unbelievable for a company that was at $40 per share in 1977 and was, just a year ago, not only the largest bank in the world but the single, largest company.  What a year this has been.

I have to say, I am thankful that I have been working in finance since 2006 because I have gotten to be right in the middle of the action during such a turbulent and historic time.  Of course, this will historically just be seen as part of the normal economic cycle but it is a bit more exciting than many of the cycles.  I was right in the heat of things during the infamous Dot Com Bubble Burst and now this which is many times bigger.  History in the making.

After work, which ran fairly late today, I was able to go upstairs and hang out with Dominica and Liesl for a little bit.  We hung out and relaxed for a little while but Dominica and Liesl fell asleep around ten thirty or so just snuggling together in the recliner so they went to bed on the early side.

I spent the night attempting to clean up after LikeWise Open scrapped one of my Linux servers.  Turns out that like a dozen or so files were backed up properly but then were not restored when LikeWise was uninstalled.  Argh.  Then, after rolling back all of the config files, /etc/pam.d/system-auth was still loaded with lsass references which were causing PAM to die on me so that I could not log in.  What a pain.  Got it fixed, though, and everything was okay when I went to bed around two in the morning.  I would have left it for tomorrow, but then it would have been hanging over my head.  Best to just have it fixed and out of the way.

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