September 5, 2009: Testing the GPS on the Camera

It’s Saturday and that means that my long, real vacation has semi-formally begun.  I don’t have any more “real” work before my trip to Europe.  I do have to work on Tuesday which is, more or less, a regular work day – a work day in which I leave work slightly early to go straight to the airport to fly away from North America for a week! Yay!  Can you tell that I am excited.Liesl Posing

This is my weekend to relax and prepare for the trip.  There is nothing stressful left to prepare before traveling.  Dominica has already done all of the necessary packing and I am going to be going with just two bags – both carry-ons.  I am traveling very light on this trip.  More than half of everything that I am taking is not even clothing or toiletry related.  I am carrying the new Nikon D90 which takes up a ton of space with the mammoth new lens, Dominica’s laptop as mine is unable to read the new high density SD cards that I need and the CPAP.  In fact, the entire second bag is devoted just to the CPAP and its associated paraphernalia.  It is amazing what a pain it is having to have a CPAP when traveling and how much of a concern it is that something might happen to it.

The last thing that I need for the trip is my German phrase book which is due to arrive on Tuesday just in time to head off to the airport.  There is every possibility that it won’t make it in time which will be a big pain and result in my buying one at the airport or someplace else while on the trip. 🙁  Hopefully that doesn’t happen.  Just one more annoying thing at that point.

Yesterday our “Insider’s Guide to Austin” arrived from Amazon.  This is our first book for us to prepare for our relocation to Texas.  We need to start learning about the area so that we can make some useful decisions.

I got to work right away this morning and wrapped up all of the scheduled work really quickly.  Then Dominica, Liesl and I went to the Westchester Diner for an early lunch.  We love their veggie burgers their and the cheese cake.

I spent some time this afternoon working on the new camera.  I have not gotten the GPS unit to work yet and wanted to be sure that it was going to work when I was in Europe.  It didn’t take too much to get the Nikon reading satellites and adding GPS data to the EXIF and it only took a minor change to get Flickr to accept the data.  Very cool.

I took a few pictures of Liesl today and a few walking around Chapel Hill just to see if the GPS was working.  Can’t wait to be posting from Europe in a few days!

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