December 31, 2009: New Year’s Eve in Bayou Vista

It is Friday and New Year’s Even here in Bayou Vista.  It is really handy that the family decided that they are all going to come over to Joe and Britt’s house for the New Year’s Eve party tonight so we don’t have to worry about going anywhere.  Very convenient.

I worked today from the house again.  This is my last regular work day working from Bayou Vista.  It is a holiday tomorrow and then we head up to Dallas on Monday morning!  Almost time to head to our new home.

Dominica picked up some Shiner 100th Anniversary Commemorator Texan beer for the New Year’s Eve party for me this evening.  It is a dark, German-style beer that is very good.  I am very happy with the beer that we are able to get here in Texas.  Lots of good, local beer.  People outside of Texas don’t really think about Texas being a place for good beer but it really is.

The party was pretty low key.  Most everyone just played darts all night.  Francesca and I weren’t interested in darts at all so we watched most of Night at the Museum but we were both tired and Francesca fell asleep after about the halfway point of the movie.  Once I was the only person left awake not playing darts or reading I decided that it made sense to just go to bed.  So I was off to bed with Oreo around ten or eleven.

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